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Let’s Explore The Festivals Of Visakhapatnam

1. Ugadi (Telugu New Year)

2. Makar Sankranti

3. Diwali (Festival of Lights)

4. Durga Puja and Dussehra

5. Visakha Utsav

6. Giri Pradakshina

7. Ratha Saptami

8. Korrukonda Festival

9. Thinthadi Festival


Best 9 Festivals of Visakhapatnam | Details For Travellers

Hey there! If you’ve ever wondered what makes Visakhapatnam, or Vizag as the locals lovingly call it, such a vibrant and culturally rich city, you’ve come to the right place. The answer lies in its incredible array of festivals. From grand religious celebrations to colourful local traditions, the festivals of Visakhapatnam are a testament to the city’s diverse culture. 

Whether you’re a local looking to rediscover your roots or a traveller eager to immerse yourself in the local culture, these celebrations offer something for everyone. In this blog, we’ll take you on a journey through some of the most iconic Visakhapatnam festivals, exploring their history, significance, and the unique ways they are celebrated in this coastal gem.

 So, get ready to dive into the festive spirit of Vizag and discover what makes these festivals of Visakhapatnam truly special!

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Let’s Explore The Festivals Of Visakhapatnam

1. Ugadi (Telugu New Year)

Ugadi, also known as the Telugu New Year, is one of the most significant festivals of Visakhapatnam. It marks the beginning of a new year according to the lunar calendar and is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy across Andhra Pradesh, including the vibrant city of Visakhapatnam. This festival symbolises the start of a new chapter, filled with hope and new beginnings, making it a cherished event among the locals.

History and Significance

Ugadi is derived from the Sanskrit words “Yuga” (age) and “Adi” (beginning), signifying the start of a new age. It is believed that Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe, began his creation on this day. As one of the prominent religious festivals in Visakhapatnam, Ugadi holds deep spiritual significance. It is a time for reflection, new resolutions, and seeking blessings for prosperity and well-being.

Traditions and Customs

The celebrations of Ugadi in Visakhapatnam are marked by various customs and traditions that reflect the region’s rich cultural heritage. The day begins with a ritualistic oil bath, considered purifying and auspicious. Homes are cleaned and decorated with vibrant rangoli (colourful patterns made with coloured powders), mango leaves, and flowers. People wear new clothes and visit temples to offer prayers, making it a notable event among Visakhapatnam temple festivals.

One of the unique customs is the preparation of “Ugadi Pachadi,” a special dish that combines six different tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, tangy, and spicy. This dish symbolises the different experiences of life and is an integral part of the Visakhapatnam festival season.

How It’s Celebrated in Vizag: Processions, Food, and Cultural Programs

In Visakhapatnam, Ugadi is celebrated with a blend of traditional rituals and modern festivities. The city comes alive with Visakhapatnam cultural events and Visakhapatnam celebration events. There are vibrant Processions and processions featuring traditional music, dance, and folk performances that highlight the cultural diversity of the region.

Food is a significant aspect of the celebrations. Special dishes like Pulihora (tamarind rice), Bobbatlu (sweet flatbread), and Pachadi are prepared and shared among family and friends. Community feasts are common, fostering a sense of unity and togetherness.

Cultural programs and performances are organised in various parts of the city, showcasing local talent and traditional arts. These events are a major attraction for both locals and tourists, adding to the festive spirit of the cultural festivals of Visakhapatnam.


Ugadi in Visakhapatnam offers a plethora of attractions that highlight the city’s cultural richness and festive spirit, making it a prominent event among the festivals of Visakhapatnam. One of the key attractions is the Simhachalam Temple, where special pujas and rituals are performed. Devotees throng the temple to seek blessings, and the temple premises are adorned with flowers and lights, creating a divine and festive ambiance. This makes it one of the notable Visakhapatnam temple festivals.

Another major attraction is the beach festivals organised along the city’s picturesque coastline. The beaches of Visakhapatnam, such as RK Beach and Yarada Beach, host various Visakhapatnam cultural events, including traditional dance and music performances, which are a treat to watch. Food festivals are also held here, offering a variety of local delicacies and festive dishes that attract food enthusiasts and tourists alike. These events add to the vibrancy of the Visakhapatnam festival season.

The local markets come alive during Ugadi, offering vibrant shopping places in Visakhapatnam to experience. Jagadamba Junction and Poorna Market are bustling with stalls selling traditional crafts, festive decorations, new clothes, and regional delicacies. These markets are not only great for shopping but also for experiencing the local culture and festive spirit, making them important Visakhapatnam celebration events.

Additionally, community centres and auditoriums in the city organise Visakhapatnam cultural events, featuring local artists performing folk dances, music, and theatre, making it an enriching experience for attendees. These attractions make Ugadi a comprehensive celebration of the cultural festivals of Visakhapatnam, reflecting the city’s rich traditions and community spirit, and standing out among the many Visakhapatnam festivals.

Ugadi is more than just a festival; it is a celebration of life, culture, and community in Visakhapatnam. As one of the major Visakhapatnam festivals, it beautifully encapsulates the city’s spirit and traditions, making it an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.

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2. Makar Sankranti

Makar Sankranti is one of the most celebrated festivals of Visakhapatnam, marking the transition of the sun into the zodiac sign of Capricorn. It is an important harvest festival that signifies the end of the winter solstice and the beginning of longer days. The festival is a time of joy and thanksgiving, celebrating the new harvest with a variety of traditional activities and customs.

Importance of the Harvest Festival

Makar Sankranti holds great significance as it heralds the arrival of the harvest season. Farmers express their gratitude for a bountiful harvest and pray for prosperity in the coming year. The festival symbolises a fresh start and is associated with various mythological tales and ancient traditions. It is a time when people come together to celebrate nature’s bounty and renew social bonds, making it a key event among the Visakhapatnam festivals.

Traditional Activities and Customs

The traditional activities of Makar Sankranti are colourful and diverse. Kite flying is one of the most popular customs, with the skies filled with vibrant kites of all shapes and sizes. People gather on rooftops and open spaces to compete in friendly kite-flying battles. Bonfires are lit in the evening, where families and friends gather to celebrate, sing, and dance. Rangoli, intricate patterns made with coloured powders, adorn the doorsteps of homes, adding to the festive atmosphere.

How It’s Celebrated in Vizag: Processions, Food, and Cultural Programs

Makar Sankranti in Visakhapatnam is marked by grand Processions that showcase the cultural diversity of the region. Traditional music and dance performances are an essential part of these Processions, reflecting the rich heritage of the city. Food plays a significant role in the celebrations, with special dishes like Pongal, Ariselu, and sweetened rice being prepared and shared among family and friends. Cultural programs are organised at various venues, featuring local artists and performers, adding to the festive cheer and making it one of the most anticipated Visakhapatnam cultural events.


During Makar Sankranti, Visakhapatnam offers a range of attractions that draw both locals and tourists. The beach kite festivals are a major highlight, providing a unique and picturesque backdrop for the celebrations. Local fairs and markets are bustling with activity, offering traditional crafts, festive decorations, and regional delicacies. Community centres and cultural hubs host various Visakhapatnam celebration events, including dance and music performances, traditional games, and storytelling sessions, enriching the experience for everyone involved. These attractions make Makar Sankranti a standout among the cultural festivals of Visakhapatnam, showcasing the city’s festive spirit and cultural heritage.

Makar Sankranti is more than just a harvest festival; it is a time of joy, community, and cultural expression in Visakhapatnam. As one of the prominent festivals of Visakhapatnam, it beautifully captures the essence of the city’s traditions and celebrations, making it a must-experience event during the Visakhapatnam festival season.

3. Diwali (Festival of Lights)

Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is one of the most significant and widely celebrated festivals of Visakhapatnam. It symbolises the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. The city of Visakhapatnam lights up with lamps, fireworks, and joyful celebrations, making it a vibrant and joyous occasion.

History and Significance

Diwali, derived from the Sanskrit word “Deepavali,” means a row of lights. It commemorates the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after a 14-year exile and his victory over the demon king Ravana. Diwali is also associated with the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. This festival is a time for new beginnings, prosperity, and the triumph of good.

Traditions and Customs

The customs of Diwali are rich and varied. Homes are cleaned and decorated with diyas (oil lamps), rangoli, and festive lights. Fireworks illuminate the night sky, creating a dazzling spectacle. Families prepare and share sweets and special dishes, enhancing the festive spirit. Visiting friends and relatives, exchanging gifts, and offering prayers are integral parts of the celebrations.

How It’s Celebrated in Vizag: Processions, Food, and Cultural Programs

In Visakhapatnam, Diwali is celebrated with immense enthusiasm and grandeur, making it a highlight of the Visakhapatnam festival season. The city hosts vibrant Processions featuring traditional music, dance, and beautifully decorated floats. Food is a significant part of the celebrations, with local delicacies and festive dishes being prepared and shared. Various Visakhapatnam cultural events and Visakhapatnam celebration events are organised, showcasing the city’s rich cultural heritage.


Diwali in Visakhapatnam offers numerous attractions that draw locals and tourists alike. The community fireworks displays are a major highlight, lighting up the night sky with stunning pyrotechnics. Special pujas in temples, such as those at the Simhachalam Temple, attract large crowds, making it a key event among Visakhapatnam temple festivals. Local markets and fairs are bustling with activity, offering festive decorations, gifts, and sweets, adding to the festive atmosphere.

Mythological Background

Diwali has a deep mythological significance. It celebrates Lord Rama’s return to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana, symbolising the victory of good over evil. Additionally, the festival marks the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, inviting wealth and prosperity into homes. These mythological stories are integral to the traditions and customs of Diwali.

Traditional Celebrations: Diyas, Fireworks, and Sweets

The traditional celebrations of Diwali in Visakhapatnam include lighting diyas to illuminate homes and drive away darkness. Fireworks are an essential part of the festivities, with people of all ages participating in the display. Preparing and sharing sweets is a beloved tradition, with families coming together to enjoy delicacies like laddus, barfis, and jalebis.

Special Events in Vizag: Community Fireworks Displays, Special Pujas in Temples

Visakhapatnam has its unique way of celebrating Diwali, with several special events that enhance the festive spirit. The community fireworks displays are organised in various parts of the city, providing a spectacular visual treat. Special pujas in temples, especially at prominent sites like the Simhachalam Temple, draw large numbers of devotees, adding a spiritual dimension to the celebrations. These events are key highlights of the cultural festivals of Visakhapatnam.

Diwali in Visakhapatnam is more than just a festival; it is a celebration of light, joy, and community. As one of the prominent Visakhapatnam festivals, it beautifully captures the essence of the city’s traditions and festive spirit, making it an unforgettable experience during the Visakhapatnam festival season.Also Read: 19 Top Honeymoon Places In South India

4. Durga Puja and Dussehra

Durga Puja and Dussehra are two of the most important festivals of Visakhapatnam, celebrated with great fervour and enthusiasm. These festivals mark the triumph of good over evil and are significant cultural and religious events in the city.

History and Significance

Durga Puja celebrates the victory of Goddess Durga over the buffalo demon Mahishasura, symbolising the victory of good over evil. It is a time to worship the divine feminine power and seek blessings for prosperity and protection. Dussehra, also known as Vijayadashami, marks the victory of Lord Rama over the demon king Ravana, signifying the triumph of righteousness. These festivals are important religious festivals in Visakhapatnam, reflecting the deep-rooted cultural and spiritual values of the community.

Traditions and Customs

The traditions of Durga Puja and Dussehra in Visakhapatnam are rich and varied. The celebrations start with Navratri, a nine-night festival dedicated to the worship of Goddess Durga. During Navratri, people participate in Garba and Dandiya, traditional dance forms that are an integral part of the celebrations. Homes and temples are adorned with flowers, lights, and rangoli. Special pujas and rituals are performed, and the atmosphere is filled with devotion and joy.

How It’s Celebrated in Vizag: Processions, Food, and Cultural Programs

In Visakhapatnam, Durga Puja and Dussehra are celebrated with grand processions and cultural programs, making them prominent Visakhapatnam festivals. Large and intricately crafted Durga idols are installed in pandals (temporary structures), where devotees gather to offer prayers. The city witnesses vibrant Processions featuring these grand idols, accompanied by traditional music and dance performances.

Food is an essential part of the celebrations, with special dishes and sweets prepared for the occasion. Community feasts are organised, bringing people together to share and enjoy festive meals. Various cultural programs, including dance, music, and theatrical performances, are held at different venues, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of Visakhapatnam.


Durga Puja and Dussehra offer numerous attractions that draw both locals and tourists. The grand Durga idols and processions are a major highlight, with each pandal displaying unique and artistic representations of the goddess. The Visakhapatnam festival season during these festivals is marked by fairs and markets selling traditional crafts, festive decorations, and delicious food.

Special religious festivals in Visakhapatnam include elaborate rituals and ceremonies at prominent temples like Simhachalam Temple. These temples are beautifully decorated, and special pujas are performed, attracting large crowds of devotees. The festive atmosphere is further enhanced by cultural programs and competitions, making it a vibrant and joyous time in the city.

Navratri is an integral part of the Durga Puja and Dussehra celebrations in Visakhapatnam. The city comes alive with the rhythmic beats of Garba and Dandiya, traditional dance forms that are performed with great enthusiasm. People dress in colourful traditional attire and gather in community centres and open spaces to dance and celebrate together. Special pujas are conducted each day of Navratri, with devotees offering prayers and seeking blessings from Goddess Durga.

Durga Puja and Dussehra in Visakhapatnam are more than just festivals; they are a celebration of culture, tradition, and community spirit. As significant festivals of Visakhapatnam, they beautifully encapsulate the city’s rich cultural heritage and festive spirit, making them a must-experience event for anyone visiting during the Visakhapatnam festival season.

5. Visakha Utsav

Visakha Utsav is a grand cultural festival organised by the state government of Andhra Pradesh, showcasing the rich heritage and traditions of Visakhapatnam. It is one of the most anticipated festivals of Visakhapatnam, celebrated with a plethora of events and activities that attract both locals and tourists.

History and Significance

Visakha Utsav was initiated by the state government to promote tourism and highlight the cultural diversity of Visakhapatnam. The festival serves as a platform to celebrate and preserve the region’s traditional art forms, crafts, and cuisine. It plays a crucial role in boosting the local economy by drawing visitors from all over the country. This festival is not just a cultural extravaganza but also a significant event that fosters community spirit and pride among the residents of Visakhapatnam.

Traditions and Customs

Visakha Utsav is marked by a wide array of cultural programs that include traditional dance, music, and art exhibitions. The festival is a celebration of the city’s artistic talent and heritage. Traditional dances like Kuchipudi and folk performances are an integral part of the festival, reflecting the cultural richness of the region. Music concerts featuring classical and contemporary artists are also a highlight, showcasing the diverse musical traditions of Andhra Pradesh. Art exhibitions display the works of local artists, offering a glimpse into the creative expressions of Visakhapatnam.

How It’s Celebrated in Vizag: Processions, Food, and Cultural Programs

Visakha Utsav is celebrated with great enthusiasm and grandeur. The festival kicks off with a grand parade that features colourful floats, traditional music, and dance performances. The parade winds through the main streets of Visakhapatnam, creating a vibrant and festive atmosphere.

Food is a major highlight of Visakha Utsav, with stalls offering a variety of local and traditional dishes. Visitors can savour the unique flavours of Andhra cuisine, including popular dishes like Pulihora, Bobbatlu, and various seafood delicacies. The festival also features food competitions and cooking demonstrations, adding to the culinary delights.

Cultural programs are the heart of Visakha Utsav, with performances by local artists, musicians, and dancers. These programs are held at various venues across the city, providing entertainment and showcasing the cultural heritage of Visakhapatnam. Workshops and interactive sessions on traditional crafts and arts are also organised, allowing visitors to engage and learn.


Visakha Utsav offers numerous attractions that make it a standout event among Visakhapatnam festivals. The festival’s grand Processions and vibrant cultural programs draw large crowds, creating a lively and joyous atmosphere. Local markets and fairs are bustling with activity, offering traditional crafts, festive decorations, and regional delicacies. These markets are not only great for shopping but also for experiencing the local culture and festive spirit.

Art and craft exhibitions are a major attraction, highlighting the region’s traditional crafts and artistry. Visitors can explore and purchase handcrafted items, supporting local artisans and preserving traditional crafts. The culinary delights at Visakha Utsav are another major draw, with food stalls offering a wide variety of local and traditional dishes.

Special religious festivals in Visakhapatnam are also part of the Utsav, with temples organising special pujas and rituals. These events add a spiritual dimension to the festival, attracting devotees and adding to the festive atmosphere. The overall experience of Visakha Utsav is one of cultural celebration, community spirit, and vibrant festivities, making it a must-visit during the Visakhapatnam festival season.

Visakha Utsav is more than just a festival; it is a celebration of the rich cultural heritage and community spirit of Visakhapatnam. As one of the significant festivals of Visakhapatnam, it beautifully captures the essence of the city’s traditions, arts, and culinary delights, offering an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.

6. Giri Pradakshina

Giri Pradakshina is one of the significant religious festivals in Visakhapatnam dedicated to Lord Shiva. This unique festival involves the ritual of circumambulating the Kailasagiri Hill, a practice that holds deep spiritual significance for the devotees. The festival is marked by community participation and various festive activities, making it an important event in the cultural calendar of Visakhapatnam.

History and Significance

Giri Pradakshina has a long-standing history and is rooted in the worship of Lord Shiva. The term “Pradakshina” refers to the act of circumambulation, and “Giri” means hill. This festival involves the circumambulation of the sacred Kailasagiri Hill, symbolising devotion and reverence to Lord Shiva. The act of walking around the hill is believed to purify the mind and soul, bringing devotees closer to the divine. As one of the notable festivals of Visakhapatnam, Giri Pradakshina draws large numbers of participants who seek blessings and spiritual fulfilment.

Traditions and Customs

The primary tradition of Giri Pradakshina is the ritual walk around the Kailasagiri Hill. Devotees gather early in the morning and begin their circumambulation, often covering a distance of several kilometres. The path is decorated with flowers and lights, creating a serene and holy atmosphere. Many devotees undertake the walk barefoot as a mark of humility and devotion. Along the route, there are various stalls providing water, fruits, and snacks to the participants, emphasising the community spirit and support.

How it’s Celebrated in Vizag: Processions, Food, and Cultural Programs

In Visakhapatnam, Giri Pradakshina is celebrated with great fervour and devotion. The day starts with devotees assembling at the base of Kailasagiri Hill, where special prayers and rituals are conducted. The circumambulation is often accompanied by chanting of hymns and bhajans, creating a spiritually uplifting environment.

After completing the Pradakshina, devotees participate in Processions that feature traditional music and dance performances. These Processions are a vibrant display of the local culture and add to the festive spirit of the event. Food plays a significant role in the celebrations, with community feasts organised to provide free meals to the participants. Various Visakhapatnam cultural events and programs are held, showcasing traditional arts and crafts, adding to the cultural richness of the festival.


Giri Pradakshina offers numerous attractions that draw both locals and tourists. The ritual circumambulation of Kailasagiri Hill is a major highlight, attracting thousands of devotees. The serene and scenic beauty of Kailasagiri Hill, combined with the spiritual significance of the festival, makes it a unique and enriching experience.

Community participation is another key attraction. The festival brings together people from all walks of life, fostering a sense of unity and communal harmony. The Processions and cultural programs organised during the festival are also major draws, offering a glimpse into the vibrant cultural heritage of Visakhapatnam.

Local markets and fairs set up during the festival add to the festive atmosphere, offering traditional crafts, religious items, and regional delicacies. These markets are bustling with activity and provide a great opportunity to experience the local culture and traditions.

As one of the prominent Visakhapatnam festivals, Giri Pradakshina beautifully captures the essence of devotion, community spirit, and cultural richness. It is a testament to the city’s deep-rooted traditions and religious fervour, making it a must-experience event during the Visakhapatnam festival season. The festival not only highlights the spiritual significance of the ritual but also brings the community together in a celebration of faith and culture.

7. Ratha Saptami

Ratha Saptami, also known as Surya Jayanti, is a significant festival dedicated to the Sun God, celebrated with great enthusiasm in Visakhapatnam. It marks the beginning of the harvest season and is observed with various traditional rituals and cultural performances, making it one of the notable religious festivals in Visakhapatnam.

History and Significance

Ratha Saptami is celebrated on the seventh day (Saptami) of the bright half of the lunar month of Magha, which usually falls in January or February. The festival is dedicated to Lord Surya, the Sun God, and signifies the transition of the Sun towards the northern hemisphere. This transition is believed to herald the arrival of spring and the beginning of the harvest season. According to Hindu mythology, Ratha Saptami commemorates the day when Surya Deva, the Sun God, began to illuminate the world, riding his seven-horses chariot. This festival holds immense spiritual significance, symbolising the cosmic chariot of the Sun moving across the sky, bringing light and energy to the Earth.

Traditions and Customs

The customs and traditions of Ratha Saptami are centred around the worship of the Sun God. Devotees wake up early in the morning to take a holy bath, often in rivers or water bodies, as it is believed to purify the body and soul. After the bath, they perform a special ritual known as Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) and offer prayers to the Sun God. Traditional offerings include rice, milk, and sugarcane, symbolising prosperity and abundance. Houses are decorated with rangoli (colourful patterns) depicting the Sun, and special pujas are conducted at temples and homes.

How It’s Celebrated in Vizag: Processions, Food, and Cultural Programs

In Visakhapatnam, Ratha Saptami is celebrated with a unique blend of traditional rituals and vibrant cultural programs, making it a highlight of the Visakhapatnam festivals calendar. The celebrations at the VUDA Park and Beach Road are particularly noteworthy. These locations host large gatherings where devotees perform the Surya Namaskar and offer prayers to the Sun God.

Processions featuring traditional music and dance performances are organised, showcasing the cultural richness of the region. Food stalls offering local delicacies and festive dishes are set up, adding to the festive spirit. Various Visakhapatnam cultural events are held, including folk dances, music performances, and art exhibitions, providing a platform for local artists to showcase their talent.


Ratha Saptami offers several attractions that draw both locals and tourists. The main attraction is the traditional sun worship rituals performed at dawn. The sight of devotees offering prayers and performing Surya Namaskar at VUDA Park and Beach Road is a spiritually uplifting experience. These locations also host cultural performances and fairs, adding to the festive atmosphere.

The festival’s grand Processions are another major draw, featuring beautifully decorated chariots and vibrant cultural displays. Local markets and fairs are bustling with activity, offering traditional crafts, religious items, and regional delicacies. These markets provide a great opportunity to experience the local culture and traditions.

As one of the significant festivals of Visakhapatnam, Ratha Saptami beautifully captures the essence of the city’s religious fervour and cultural heritage. The festival not only celebrates the Sun God’s significance but also brings the community together in a joyous celebration of faith and culture. This event is a testament to the city’s deep-rooted traditions and vibrant cultural life, making it a must-experience during the Visakhapatnam festival season.

8. Korrukonda Festival

The Korrukonda Festival is a vibrant and culturally rich event celebrated by the local tribal communities in Visakhapatnam. It holds significant importance for these communities, highlighting their unique traditions, rituals, and way of life. As one of the prominent festivals of Visakhapatnam, it showcases the rich cultural heritage and communal harmony of the region.

History and Significance

The Korrukonda Festival has deep historical roots and is an integral part of the tribal culture in Visakhapatnam. It is celebrated to honour the local deities and ancestors, seeking their blessings for prosperity, good health, and protection. The festival also marks the changing seasons and agricultural cycles, making it a crucial time for the tribal communities to come together in celebration and gratitude.

Traditions and Customs

The traditions and customs of the Korrukonda Festival are deeply rooted in the tribal way of life. One of the most significant aspects is the performance of traditional rituals and dances. These dances are performed to the rhythm of indigenous musical instruments and are a vibrant display of the community’s cultural identity. The rituals often involve offerings to the deities, prayers, and symbolic acts that reflect the tribe’s spiritual beliefs.

Community feasts are another important tradition during the Korrukonda Festival. These feasts are a time for the community to come together, share food, and celebrate their unity. Local customs, such as preparing traditional dishes and engaging in communal cooking, are observed with great enthusiasm. These customs not only preserve the tribe’s culinary heritage but also strengthen the bonds within the community.

How It’s Celebrated in Vizag: Parades, Food, and Cultural Programs

In Visakhapatnam, the Korrukonda Festival is celebrated with a blend of traditional and modern festivities, making it a highlight among the festivals of Visakhapatnam. The celebrations often start with parades that showcase the rich cultural heritage of the tribal communities. These parades feature traditional music, dance performances, and beautifully decorated floats that depict scenes from tribal life.

Food plays a central role in the celebrations, with a variety of traditional dishes being prepared and shared among the participants. Community feasts are organised, where everyone comes together to enjoy the festive meals. These feasts are a testament to the communal spirit and hospitality of the tribal communities.

Various cultural programs are organised during the festival, including folk dances, music performances, and exhibitions of tribal arts and crafts. These programs provide a platform for the tribal communities to showcase their talents and cultural heritage, attracting both locals and tourists. The festive atmosphere is further enhanced by the vibrant displays of traditional attire and ornaments worn by the participants.


The Korrukonda Festival offers numerous attractions that draw visitors to Visakhapatnam. The traditional parades are a major highlight, featuring colourful floats, music, and dance performances that reflect the rich cultural tapestry of the tribal communities. The parades provide a unique opportunity to witness the traditional customs and rituals up close.

The community feasts are another major attraction, offering a taste of traditional tribal cuisine. Visitors can enjoy a variety of dishes made from locally sourced ingredients, prepared using age-old recipes.Ultimately you get a lot of places to eat in Visakhapatnam and trying it out makes one best things to do in Visakhapatnam  during these festivals  These feasts are a great way to experience the hospitality and warmth of the tribal communities.

The cultural programs organised during the festival are also a major draw, showcasing the talents and artistic expressions of the tribal communities. Folk dances, music performances, and art exhibitions provide a glimpse into the vibrant cultural life of the tribes. Additionally, local markets and fairs set up during the festival offer traditional crafts, jewellery, and other handmade items, making it a great opportunity for visitors to take home unique souvenirs.

The Korrukonda Festival is more than just a celebration; it is a vibrant expression of the tribal communities’ cultural heritage and identity. As one of the significant festivals of Visakhapatnam, it brings together people from different backgrounds to celebrate the rich traditions and communal harmony of the region.

9. Thinthadi Festival

The Thinthadi Festival is a vibrant and culturally significant event celebrated by the local fishermen community in Visakhapatnam. This festival holds great importance in the lives of the fishermen, highlighting their unique traditions, rituals, and the strong connection they have with the sea. As one of the prominent festivals of Visakhapatnam, it showcases the rich maritime heritage and communal harmony of the region.

History and Significance

The Thinthadi Festival has deep historical roots and is an integral part of the fishermen’s cultural calendar in Visakhapatnam. It is celebrated to honour the sea and its bounty, seeking blessings for a prosperous fishing season and the safety of the fishermen. The festival also marks the end of the monsoon season and the beginning of a new fishing period, making it a crucial time for the community to come together in celebration and gratitude.

Traditions and Customs

The traditions and customs of the Thinthadi Festival are deeply intertwined with the fishermen’s way of life. One of the most significant aspects is the performance of community prayers. These prayers are conducted to seek blessings from the sea gods and ancestors, ensuring safe voyages and abundant catches. The fishermen offer flowers, fruits, and other symbolic items to the sea, reflecting their deep reverence and gratitude.

Boat races are a highlight of the festival, showcasing the fishermen’s skills and teamwork. These races are not only a test of speed and endurance but also a celebration of the community’s maritime heritage. The boats are often decorated with colourful flags and banners, adding to the festive atmosphere. The races are accompanied by cheering crowds, traditional music, and dance performances.

Community feasts are another important tradition during the Thinthadi Festival. These feasts are a time for the community to come together, share food, and celebrate their unity. Traditional dishes, often made with freshly caught seafood, are prepared and enjoyed by everyone. These feasts not only preserve the community’s culinary heritage but also strengthen the bonds within the community.

How It’s Celebrated in Vizag: Parades, Food, and Cultural Programs

In Visakhapatnam, the Thinthadi Festival is celebrated with a blend of traditional and modern festivities, making it a highlight among the festivals of Visakhapatnam. The celebrations often start with processions that showcase the rich cultural heritage of the fishermen community. These parades feature traditional music, dance performances, and beautifully decorated boats that depict scenes from the fishermen’s lives.

Food plays a central role in the celebrations, with a variety of traditional dishes being prepared and shared among the participants. Community feasts are organised, where everyone comes together to enjoy the festive meals. These feasts are a testament to the communal spirit and hospitality of the fishermen community.

Various cultural programs are organised during the festival, including folk dances, music performances, and exhibitions of maritime arts and crafts. These programs provide a platform for the fishermen to showcase their talents and cultural heritage, attracting both locals and tourists. The festive atmosphere is further enhanced by the vibrant displays of traditional attire and ornaments worn by the participants.


The Thinthadi Festival offers numerous attractions that draw visitors to Visakhapatnam. The traditional boat races are a major highlight, featuring colourful boats, music, and dance performances that reflect the rich maritime heritage of the fishermen community. The races provide a unique opportunity to witness the traditional customs and rituals up close.

The community feasts are another major attraction, offering a taste of traditional seafood cuisine. Visitors can enjoy a variety of dishes made from freshly caught fish, prepared using age-old recipes. These feasts are a great way to experience the hospitality and warmth of the fishing community.

The cultural programs organised during the festival are also a major draw, showcasing the talents and artistic expressions of the fishermen community. Folk dances, music performances, and art exhibitions provide a glimpse into the vibrant cultural life of the fishermen. Additionally, local markets and fairs set up during the festival offer traditional crafts, fishing equipment, and other handmade items, making it a great opportunity for visitors to take home unique souvenirs.

The Thinthadi Festival is more than just a celebration; it is a vibrant expression of the fishermen community’s cultural heritage and identity. As one of the significant festivals of Visakhapatnam, it brings together people from different backgrounds to celebrate the rich traditions and communal harmony of the region.


In conclusion, the festivals of Visakhapatnam offer a vibrant and diverse glimpse into the city’s rich cultural heritage. From grand religious ceremonies to lively local traditions, each celebration adds a unique flavour to the tapestry of Visakhapatnam festivals. Whether you’re a resident or a visitor, experiencing these festivals provides a deep connection to the community and its traditions. So, next time you’re in Vizag, immerse yourself in the festive spirit and discover the magic of the festivals of Visakhapatnam.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Q:What are the major festivals celebrated in Visakhapatnam?

Q:When does the Brahmaputra river festival take place in Visakhapatnam?

Q:What is the significance of Ambubachi Mela in Visakhapatnam?

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