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About Hiking in Mauritius

10 Best place for Hiking in Mauritius this year

1. Black River Gorges National Park

 2. Corps De Garde

3. Le Pouce Mountain

4. Lion Mountain

5. Bel Ombre

6. Cascade 500 Pieds

7. Grand Riviere Sud Est

8. Tourelle Du Tamarin

9. Signal Mountain

10. Ebony Forest

Some points to remember before going


Hiking in Mauritius: Adventure Guide: Top 10 trails, difficulty, tips

Mauritius, a jewel in the Indian Ocean, attracts travelers with its treasure of experiences like hiking, water activities and a plethora of places to visit. Its sun-kissed beaches, swaying palm trees, and greenish lagoons paint a postcard-perfect scene. 

Beyond its heavenly shores lies a fusion of cultures, from its vibrant Creole heritage to its rich colonial history, bustling markets filled with aromatic spices, mouthwatering culinary delights, and rhythms of local Sega music all add to the charm of Mauritius. 

Whether you’re diving into the depths of its coral reefs, hiking through lush rainforests, or simply basking in the island’s serene beauty, Mauritius gives you an unforgettable experience. Well, make this dream come true with our exotic Mauritius Tour, where we offer you a seamless trip to Mauritius, creating lasting memories of this beautiful city.

About Hiking in Mauritius

While renowned for its natural beaches in Mauritius and clear waters, Mauritius also boasts a lesser-known treasure: its Mauritius trekking adventure. Yes….Hiking in Mauritius offers a journey into the heart of its natural wonders. Trails wind through lush rainforests, revealing cascading waterfalls, rare endemic flora, and the captivating melodies of exotic birds all add to the adventure of Hiking in Mauritius.

Whether trekking to summit viewpoints or wandering through ancient volcanic landscapes, hiking in Mauritius is a sensual adventure, where every hiking spots in Mauritius promises a deeper connection to the island’s unexplored beauty.

So, lace up your boots, pack your essentials, and let’s embark on a journey of hiking in Mauritius , where the beauty of nature and the spirit of the Mauritius trekking adventure converge in perfect harmony.

Also Read: 11 Places To Visit In Mauritius For Honeymoon

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10 Best place for Hiking in Mauritius this year

1. Black River Gorges National Park

Black River Gorges National Park is one of the Best place for Hiking in Mauritius. This 6754-hectare national park located in the southwestern part of Mauritius offers a lot of scope for hiking and trekking. The hiking spots in Mauritius is divided into a 120-kilometer trail on the western side and 50 kilometers on the east. 

The Petrin information center in the park provides tourists with a hiking map for primary trails. This hike is considered as guided hiking in Mauritius hence it is advisable to hire a guide for more Mauritius trekking adventure and hidden treks. The hikes generally start and end in this park’s southernmost or western part. That’s the place for the second information center, which also provides maps for this adventure activity in Mauritius.

  • Location: Black River Gorges
  • Lowest point: 745 ft
  • Highest point: 2350 ft
  • Difficulty level: Medium (may be physically demanding)
  • Duration: 4-5 hours
  • Distance: 10 km round trip

 2. Corps De Garde

Another hiking spectacle with a hint of historical backdrop is the Corps de Garde. The Corps De Garde is one of the Top place for Hiking in Mauritius. It has a height of 720 meters and is located between Black River and Plaine Williams. It is believed that the slaves ran away from their masters and hid in the mountain’s dense forests and rocky landscape. 

This Mauritius mountain hikes has a fair gradient slope initially, and the paths are crisscrossed. The hike offers the tourists views of the La Ferme reservoir and the ocean beyond. Mountains like the Le Morne are fairly visible from the summit. A few of the edges during the trail are very steep and deserve special care while crossing them. The sights of the nearby villages cuddled by the lush vegetation give the hike a classic country feel. Mauritius trekking adventure during hiking of this mountain is extreme.

The starting point is Near Stanley/Camp Levieux Housing Estate and the endpoint is Summit/Viewpoint. The total elevation height is 1768 Ft. This trail route is well marked by white stones and is easily visible from the road.

  • Location: West
  • Lowest point: 975ft
  • Highest point: 2382ft
  • Difficulty level: Medium (may be physically demanding)
  • Duration: 2-3 hours
  • Distance: 8.4 km round trip

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3. Le Pouce Mountain

Situated in Mauritius’ Moka district, the hiking trail of Le Pouce Mountain is very popular among adventure lovers because of its low difficulty level, making it very suitable for aspiring hikers and beginners and hence considered one of the best place for hiking in Mauritius.  It is the third-highest mountain in Mauritius, with a height of 812 meters. 

Guava and acacia trees populate the Le Pouce along with some endemic species throughout the landscape it covers. The hiking trail runs in between the sugarcane fields, and going further ahead from there, the curvy mountain roads begin, which are shaded by huge trees and dense forest alongside.

Breathtaking views of the harbor, Plaine Williams, and Pailles can be witnessed from over the highlands upon reaching the edge of the cliffs and hence making this mountain as top place for Hiking in Mauritius. The pathway that leads to the top of the mountain is very dangerous, and it is highly recommended to have a guide. Other than this tricky part, the trail is an easy walk for families and groups of friends. 

On reaching the top, this astonishing Hiking destinations in Mauritius gives a 360-degree panoramic view of the surrounding islets, the sugar plantations, the docks, and the west coast leaving you speechless. The starting point of this trail is Moka trailhead and the endpoint is the Summit.

  • Location: Moka Range
  • Lowest point: 1514 ft
  • Highest point: 2587 ft
  • Difficulty level: Easy (no physically intensive or challenging route)
  • Duration: 2-3 hours
  • Distance: 4.3 km round trip

4. Lion Mountain

Lion Mountain is a prominent mountain in the Bambous Range and is one of the best place for hiking in Mauritius This mountain is visible from Mahebourg and is famous for having an abundance of native vegetation and stunning views of the southeast. It is one of the hiking spots in Mauritius across the bay, said to be the only witness left of the ‘Bataille Of Vieux Grand Port.”

The Lion Mountain hiking gear for Mauritius usually starts in the sugarcane fields and then follows through the woods and then ends at the peak. Caution should be exercised during the hike, as some of the places are rocky and quite challenging and hence it is one of the Guided hiking in Mauritius. There are a few places that require using your hands to ascend rocky sections, but it is not physically a challenging hike.

The starting point for this trail is Virieux Grand Port Police Station and the endpoint is the summit. The total elevation of this trail is 1800ft.

  • Location: Bambous Range
  • Lowest point:20ft
  • Highest point:160ft
  • Difficulty level: Medium (not physically challenging hike trail)
  • Duration: 4-5 hours
  • Distance: 8.4 km round trip

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5. Bel Ombre

Bel Ombre is one of the Top place for Hiking in Mauritius. There are periodic breaks in the forest with expansive south-coast views. The path is very well maintained – effectively a road – for its entire length making the walking itself and navigation easy. 

It climbs very gradually from the sugarcane fields near Bel Ombre to the Plaine Champagne road near the Gorges Viewpoint. The trail is relatively long though, but mostly shaded apart from the upper end. The best wildlife viewing seems to be in the middle/lower portion. A lot of dense trees and wildlife view makes Bel Ombre Mauritius nature hikes.

The starting point of this hiking destinations in Mauritius is Trailhead off Plaine Champagne Road and the ending point is Plaine Champagne/Bel Ombre sugarcane fields It is a one-way hiking trail.

  • Location: Black River Gorges
  • Lowest point: 745 ft
  • Highest point: 2350 ft
  • Difficulty level: Medium (may be physically demanding)
  • Duration: 4-5 hours
  • Distance: 7-8 km round trip

6. Cascade 500 Pieds

Cascade 500 Pieds is one of the best Hiking spots in Mauritius. This Mauritius nature hikes is a short, steep hike to the lip of a waterfall cascading 500 feet towards the south coast. Cascade 500 Pieds is also known as Cascade des Galets. The views on a clear day are the best around. 

The trail is easy to follow and is relatively easy except for a 30-45 minute climb to Alexandra Falls. The trail is well-worn and partly shaded. The Starting Point of this trail is the Alexandra Falls parking lot and the ending point is Waterfall.

  • Location: Black River Gorges
  • Lowest point: 1767ft
  • Highest point: 2174ft
  • Difficulty level: Easy (no physical intensive or challenging route)
  • Duration:1-2 hours
  • Distance: 2-3 km round trip

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7. Grand Riviere Sud Est

The Grand Riviere Sud Est is one of the best Hiking destinations in Mauritius rugged with rapids pouring over black basaltic rock that culminates in a large waterfall where you can swim and jump off the rocks. It is typically reached by packing into a boat in the nearby town and going to the falls. Hiking in this top place for Hiking in Mauritius gives a completely different experience, namely enjoyment.

The hike is not very challenging as it merely follows the river down, although there are a couple of places where you cannot walk along the side of the river and will have to find your way amongst the trees and jumbled rocks.

The starting point of this trail is Near the bridge over GRSE and the ending point is GRSE Waterfall. The total elevation gain of this trail is 164 ft.

  • Location: South East
  • Lowest point: 35 ft
  • Highest point: 147 ft
  • Difficulty level: Easy (not physically intensive or challenging route)
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Distance: 1-2 km round trip

8. Tourelle Du Tamarin

Tourelle Du Tamarin is one of the best place for hiking in Mauritius . This Mauritius mountain hikes offer a stunning view of three amazing places of Mauritius namely Black River Gorges, Le Morne Brabant, and the lagoon. 

This is not a very challenging trek but it is through a path that is mostly exposed to the sun. This trail doesn’t have any private property on its way throughout, although you must cross a fence that has been trampled down to ground level. It is advisable to start early on this trail or in the evening to prevent sun. The starting point of this trail is Black Rock Reservoir and the ending point is the summit. The total elevation gain of this summit is 1808 ft.

  • Location: Southwest
  • Lowest point: 437 ft
  • Highest point: 1588 ft
  • Difficulty level: Medium (may be physically demanding)
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Distance: 3-4 km round trip

9. Signal Mountain

Signal Mountain is one of the best  Mauritius nature hikes due to its most natural hiking trail. This mountain is highly popular among residents and tourists. With a height of 323 meters above sea level, the peak of Signal Mountain offers a view of Mauritius. Capital Port Louis and its harbor. 

The path to the mountaintop is full of wild vegetation and dry bushes, and species like Acacia trees can also be found.

Signal Mountain is a frequent jogging and walking area where the tourists come to relax both in the morning to take in all the freshness and in the afternoon to ease away all the stress of their days with the sight of the heavenly sunset. It is hence considered as one of the best place for hiking in Mauritius .

  • Location:  Port-Louis
  • Difficulty level: Medium (may be physically demanding)
  • Duration: 5-6 hours
  • Distance: 10-11 km round trip

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10. Ebony Forest

Step inside an expanse of tall black ebony trees, where endangered birds like the echo parakeet and black bulbul thrive once again. With less than 2% native forest remaining in Mauritius, the Ebony Forest is extremely special and one of the Best place for Hiking in Mauritius .

An important conservation area, the forest is being replanted, and easy trails for the whole family wind in and out, offering pretty coastal views of deep ocean blues that extend as far as the eye can see, from sublime viewpoints and sturdy canopy walkways.

The entrance is tucked in a corner of the Chamarel tourist village and has its entrance fee, meaning it’s one of the park’s less crowded sites. Due to less crowd, it is considered one of the top place for Hiking in Mauritius.

  • Location: Chamarel tourist village
  • Difficulty level: Easy (may be physically demanding)
  • Duration: 4-5 hours
  • Distance: 6  km round trip

Some points to remember before going Hiking in Mauritius:

1. Stay Hydrated: Mauritius can have hot and humid weather, especially during the summer months. Carry an adequate supply of water to stay hydrated throughout your hike, especially if you’re trekking in remote areas where water sources may be limited.

2. Wear Appropriate Footwear: Choose sturdy, closed-toe shoes with good traction for hiking in Mauritius as trails can be uneven and rocky.

3. Protect Yourself from the Sun: Wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat to protect your skin and eyes from the sun’s harmful rays. Consider wearing lightweight, breathable clothing that covers your arms and legs to prevent sunburn.

4. Pack Essentials: Carry essential items such as a map, compass or GPS device, first-aid kit, snacks, and a fully charged mobile phone in case of emergencies. It’s also a good idea to bring insect repellent and a lightweight rain jacket, especially during the rainy season.

5. Hike Safely: Inform someone of your hiking plans, including your intended route and estimated return time. Hike with a companion whenever possible, especially in remote areas. Pace yourself, take regular breaks, and listen to your body to prevent overexertion or heat-related illnesses.

6.  Be Prepared for Weather Changes: Weather conditions in Mauritius can change quickly, especially in mountainous areas. Check the weather forecast before heading for hiking gear for Mauritius and be prepared for sudden rain showers or temperature fluctuations. Dress in layers and bring extra clothing to stay warm if needed.

7.  Stay on Marked Trails: Stick to marked trails and follow any signage or guidance provided by park authorities. Venturing off-trail can lead to getting lost or damaging fragile ecosystems.


Hence, with these Hiking destinations in Mauritius, we can conclude that Mauritius is a hikers’ paradise. With extraordinary scenic beauties and exciting hiking experiences to offer, this Indian Ocean island nation is going to become your favorite getaway for hiking!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Q:What are the best times of year for hiking in Mauritius?

Q:Are there any beginner-friendly hiking trails in Mauritius?

Q:What are some must-visit hiking spots or viewpoints in Mauritius?

Q:Are there any age or fitness requirements for hiking in Mauritius?

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