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History Of The Island Of Dead Dolls

Don Julian’s Obsession With The Dolls

Local Beliefs On The Island Of The Dead Dolls Mexico

Frequently Asked Questions On The Island Of The Dead Dolls Mexico

Island of the Dead Dolls: The History And The Mystery

What comes to your mind when you hear the word doll? Barbie or Annabelle? 

What if we tell you that there are thousands of Annabelle on a spooky island in Mexico known as the Island of the Dead Dolls? 

Yes, we are not even kidding, this place is located on Xocimilco Island, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Locals live on this island and grow crops here. 

On the Xocimilco Island, there are a few huts that are outnumbered by dead, decaying dolls. The Island of the Dead Dolls also goes by the name of La Isla de las Muñecas, and this place has the largest collection of haunted dolls in the world. 

However, the best part of this spooky island in Mexico is the legend behind it. The story of a man who lived at The Island of the Dead Dolls or La Isla de las Muñecas and was haunted by the spirit of a dead girl. 

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History Of The Island Of Dead Dolls

Now, you must be wondering what is the mystery of the island of the dead dolls. Who hung those dolls in that place and why? What is the story behind it? 

Let’s find out. 

It all began in the year 1950 when Don Julian Sanatana Berrera moved to this place. Back in the time, it was not known as the Island of the Dead Dolls, it was just one of the Chinampas on Xocimilco Island. 

Don was allegedly haunted by the spirit of a girl who drowned in a canal. As per the legends, before the arrival of Don in the village, there was a girl who got entangled in the canal’s lilies and eventually drowned to death, and that is the biggest mystery of the island of the dead dolls. 

When Don moved here, he claimed that he heard screams of the dead girl from beyond the grave, “I want my doll”. Soon after that, he found a doll close to the place where the girl’s body was found. He was terrified, so he decided to hang the doll on the tree to provide some kind of peace to the girl. 

From that day onwards, every time Julian went outside the house, he would find dolls strung to the trees. These dolls were not even cute. They were very ugly, decapitated, and decaying dolls. 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Q:1. What is the Island of the Dead Dolls?

Q:2. Is the island open to visitors?

Q:3. Are there any legends or myths associated with the island?

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