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A Journey to the Roof of the World: My 10 Days Trip to Leh Ladakh

Journeying Through Leh Ladakh: Our Itinerary 

From Serene Srinagar to Majestic Leh Ladakh :

Pangong Lake: A Mesmerizing Gem in Leh Ladakh

A Few Moments of Gratitude

Our Journey’s Highlights Worth Appreciating-  Bara-Lacha Pass

From one traveller to another: Some tips for visiting Leh Ladakh

“Darr ke aage jeet hai, lived upto this phrase in Leh Ladakh” – Varsha Mullick

I’m so happy this Srinagar-Leh-Manali Trip could come out of our What’s App group. I love to Travel, but planning just pisses me off. It is like cooking a big meal, and while sitting to eat it, you realise that you added the extra salt. All your taste buds are disappointed, and you hate yourself for all the hard work and love you’ve put into preparing the dish. 

With this regard, I think choosing the WanderOn Travel community was the best decision. My friend Bhagyashree spent hours talking to the travel agent, and they were always calm to help with any query we had. 

We asked them about famous places like Pangong Lake and Turtuk Village because these were Trending on Instagram. But their itinerary is commendable, covering all the offbeat destinations with the best services and hospitality. I recommend choosing WanderOn to all.

I have travelled with many companies, but this experience has been the best. The help was not only available until I paid for the trip rather it was there until I reached back home to Delhi. 

The Team Captain, Prashant, was our cheerleader on the trip. The ratio of girls was more, so he made sure that all of us felt safe and didn’t miss out on any adventure that came our way. 

I chose the Leh Ladakh Tour package, for now, and the next time, I’m sure to travel International with WanderOn.

A Journey to the Roof of the World: My 10 Days Trip to Leh Ladakh

Being on Solo trips has been my norm for quite some time. However, I recently decided to switch things up and travel with a group of Strangers and a few friends. Initially, I had concerns about potential delays and cancellations that could arise with larger groups. Yet, to my delight, travelling with 25 individuals was an absolute blast, brimming with energy and excitement. 

What began as a gathering of strangers quickly transformed into a tight-knit family by the end of our trip. Here is a quick preview of my 10 days Srinagar-Leh-Manali Journey: 

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Journeying Through Leh Ladakh: Our Itinerary 

Journeying Through Leh Ladakh: Our Itinerary 

Trip Duration – 10 Nights/11 Days

Day 1: Travel to Srinagar from Delhi

Day 2: Srinagar to Kargil 

Day 3:  Kargil Via Sonmarg

Day 4: Kargil to Leh

Day 5: Leh to Nubra Valley

Day 6: Nubra Turtuk village to Pangong Tso

Day 7: Pangong Tso to Leh 

Day 8: Leh to Sarchu via Moore plains

Day 9: Sarchu To Manali

Day 10: Relaxing in Manali

Day 11: Manali to Delhi

From Serene Srinagar to Majestic Leh Ladakh :

As I stood on the shores of the legendary Pangong Lake, its turquoise waters stretched out as far as the eye could see. The tranquillity of the surroundings was mesmerising, and I was captivated by the serene beauty that enveloped me. 

The colours of the sky danced upon the mirrored surface, creating a celestial symphony of blues. I felt a sense of peace over me, as if the lake held ancient secrets whispered through the winds.

Leaving behind the enchantment of Pangong Lake, I explored the hidden gem of Turtuk village. Nestled in the remote Nubra Valley, Turtuk is a gateway to a world frozen in time. As I walked through the narrow lanes, I was greeted by warm smiles and a sense of community that permeated the air. These grounded people’s rich culture and traditions were woven into every corner of the village.

Pangong Lake: A Mesmerizing Gem in Leh Ladakh

Standing on the shores of Pangong Lake in Leh Ladakh, I was instantly captivated by its breathtaking beauty. The clear blue waters stretched before me, shimmering under the bright sun. The vibrant colours painted a picture-perfect scene that felt straight out of a postcard.

I dipped my fingers into the cool water, feeling the gentle ripples against my skin. The touch of the lake’s surface was soothing, a gentle reminder that I was a part of this serene landscape. Sitting by the lakeside, I felt grateful for witnessing such natural beauty.

Standing tall and proud, the surrounding mountains added a touch of aesthetic to the scene. Their majestic presence instilled a sense of awe within me.

We were happy in our zones on the shore of Pangong Lake. We ate Maggie, then sang happy songs with the whole group. We were tired from the journey, but coming to this beautiful place was all worth it. There are many adventure sports in Ladakh that you can explore.

A Few Moments of Gratitude

I was so happy that the Itinerary was followed correctly, and to my great surprise Prashant, our team captain, took us to explore more besides what was planned. We went to the local tapirs

and the stalls in the Turtuk village and tasted their cuisines. The platter was so good and different, It was so warm to visit such a place. 

People were so kind and loving. They made sure that we felt comfortable and extended their welcome.

Thang village, the last village in India, I witnessed people’s commitment to preserving their culture and heritage. They embraced their identity with a profound sense of belonging, ensuring that their roots remained deeply embedded in the soil of their beloved country. 

Our Journey’s Highlights Worth Appreciating-  Bara-Lacha Pass

Bara-Lacha Pass, Standing at an elevation of 4,850 meters (15,910 feet), is a vital link connecting the Lahaul district in Himachal Pradesh to the Leh district in Ladakh. This high-altitude pass is renowned for its awe-inspiring beauty, adventurous spirit, and historical significance. 

When we were travelling to Leh, we were stopped at the main entrance by the local check post, as they told us that it is open on alternative days for tourists. But to my amazement, the driver was a locality he made a few calls, and we were released. We were so happy because we saw that even bikers were not allowed, and they waited one whole day for the permit. 

As we started our journey on Bara-lacha La at midnight, we all were scared as the captain, Prashant, told us that, a day before, 6 of the people had died there. I couldn’t help but marvel at the rugged landscapes that unfolded. The road meandered through towering mountains, treating me to panoramic vistas of snow-capped peaks and meandering rivers. Reaching the summit of Bara-lacha La, I was greeted by a breathtaking sight. With its rocky terrain and sweeping valleys, the pass exuded a sense of grandeur. The surrounding peaks seemed to touch the sky, and the panoramic views were nothing short of a visual feast. It felt like we are crossing the stars. 

The air grew crisp and thin, adding to the sense of adventure and horror. It was amazingly adventurous and made us all feel excited about this journey. One of our co-trippers fell sick due to low oxygen levels, so we couldn’t spend a night there and decided to return. Our captain took a difficult decision very actively, making us all feel ready. “ Darr ke aage jeet sahi mei thi” 

The temperature was around -15 degrees, we couldn’t even think of going out from the Traveller. We covered  350kms that day. Due to breezing winds, we wanted to wait to start travelling to Sarchu camps, but the temperature was just dropping with time. So decided to go back to our camps in Vispa, which were in the scenic lapse of nature. The people there arranged all-nighter bonfires for us, and we felt so warm there. 

From one traveller to another: Some tips for visiting Leh Ladakh

  • You must be well prepared physically to take the exertion 
  • Respect the people and place 
  • Pack your medicines and everyday necessities
  • Be prepared for unexpected weather and adventures

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