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1. The Golden Temple

2. Jallianwala Bagh

3. Wagah Border

4. Partition Museum

5. Durgiana Temple

6. Gobindgarh Fort

7. Hall Bazaar

8. Ram Tirath Temple

9. Tarn Taran Sahib

10. Mata Lal Devi Temple

Tips for Visiting Amritsar


Discover the Enchanting Places to Visit in Amritsar


India is a country known for its rich past, history, temples, and spirituality. There are many historical places in India and Punjab is such a place where you can find history and culture. There are many places to visit in Punjab. Amritsar is a vibrant city in Punjab, India, and holds a unique blend of history, culture, and spirituality. Renowned for its majestic Golden Temple, Amritsar offers a plethora of experiences that cater to all kinds of travelers. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the best places to visit in Amritsar, ensuring your itinerary is packed with unforgettable moments. Whether you’re interested in Amritsar sightseeing, delving into history, or experiencing local culture, this guide has you covered. So that when you plan your next India tour package, you can plan your itinerary and enjoy your vacation.

1. The Golden Temple

Punjab gives its tourists lots of things to do in Punjab and visiting the Golden Temple is one of the best things to do in Amritsar. Experiencing the serenity of the Golden Temple. Known as Harmandir Sahib, this iconic structure is the holiest gurdwara of Sikhism. The amazing structure will leave you in awe with its jaw-dropping gold and marble edifice. 

Guru Ram Das, the fourth Sikh Guru, began the construction of this Gurdwara in the 16th century. Hazrat Mian Mir, a revered Muslim saint, laid its foundation stone, symbolizing inclusivity and unity. Guru Arjan Dev, who succeeded Guru Ram Das, completed the construction in 1604 A.D. and later undertook extensive renovations and expansions, ensuring the Gurdwara’s continued significance.

The temple’s golden dome glistens under the sun, reflected in the surrounding Amrit Sarovar, a sacred pool believed to have healing powers. The Golden Temple is not just a spiritual center but also a beacon of peace and humility, serving free meals to thousands of visitors daily. This is one of the best places to visit in Amritsar.

2. Jallianwala Bagh

Amritsar is a sacred city, yet it has also witnessed the freedom struggle and revolution, deeply touching my soul. Reading about this place in the textbook always gave me goosebumps. Among its historical landmarks, Jallianwala Bagh stands out as one of the most significant in India. 

Visiting Jallianwala Bagh serves as a powerful reminder of India’s fight for independence. This public garden is notorious for the 1919 massacre, General Dyer, along with his armed troops, fired upon a peaceful gathering led by Shri Guru Gobind Singh, resulting in hundreds of deaths on 13th April 1919. The horrific incident of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre still lingers in the hearts of millions of Indians, even after 100 years. This massacre marked a pivotal moment in Indian history, sparking numerous Satyagraha movements.

Today, it is a national monument, featuring an eternal flame that honors those who perished. The preserved bullet marks and the Martyrs’ Gallery offer a poignant and crucial historical perspective. This is one of the best sightseeing places to visit in Amritsar.

Timings: 6:30 Am to 7:30 Pm

3. Wagah Border

One of the most popular Amritsar tourist places is the Wagah Border. This is the only road border crossing between India and Pakistan. Every evening, a military ceremony known as the Beating Retreat takes place, attracting crowds from both sides. The electrifying atmosphere, marked by patriotic fervor and synchronized marching, makes it one of the must-see things to see in Amritsar. 

Closing the borders of both countries and lowering the flags by the military of both countries is done here. Located close to the Attari Village, Wagah Border is a major crossing between India and Pakistan. It is known for its high-spirited ‘Lowering of Flags’ ceremony which is the major attraction of this place. This ceremony is also known as Beating Retreat at the international level. One of the most exciting activities in Amritsar for tourists is watching the Wagah Border Parade.

The Wagah Border, often referred to as the Berlin Wall of Asia, lies on the Grand Trunk Road, 23 km from Lahore and 28 km from Amritsar. The Beating Retreat Ceremony, initiated in 1959 through an agreement between the governments of India and Pakistan, takes place every evening. This ceremony signifies the official closing of the border and the lowering of the flags of both countries.

Timings: The parade starts at 5:15 PM while during winter it starts at 4:15 PM. The ceremony lasts for 45 minutes.

The Wagah Attari border entrance is open from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

4. Partition Museum

The freedom we enjoy today is due to the efforts of our great leaders and freedom fighters who fought valiantly for the nation. However, the partition also led to the separation of countless individuals from their country and families. To narrate the detailed stories from that tumultuous period, the Partition Museum, located in the Town Hall, is dedicated to preserving the memory of the 1947 Partition of India. It’s astonishing how a single line could divide one nation into two distinct countries, highlighting the British strategy of divide and rule that turned our people against each other.

It offers an extensive collection of photographs, documents, and personal belongings that narrate the stories of those who experienced the partition. As one of the significant places to visit in Amritsar, the museum aims to foster an understanding of the event’s impact on people’s lives.

Timings: 10 Am to 6 Pm (Monday closed)

5. Durgiana Temple

Often overshadowed by the Golden Temple, the Durgiana Temple is another gem in Amritsar’s spiritual landscape. This Hindu temple is dedicated to Goddess Durga and resembles the Golden Temple in its architectural style. The silver doors and intricate carvings make it one of the best places to visit in Amritsar for devotees and tourists alike.

Durgiana Temple is also known as Laxmi Narayan Temple. Along with the idol of Goddess Durga, idols of Goddess Laxmi, and Lord Vishnu, are also worshipped here. The temple’s history dates back to the year 1921 when its construction was initiated by Guru Harsai Mal Kapoor. 

This Temple underwent some reconstruction in 2013. The major festival in India, Amritsar is celebrated here. Visiting the beautiful temple and taking the blessing of goddess Durga is one best things to do in Amritsar.

Timings: 6 Am to 10 Pm

6. Gobindgarh Fort

For those interested in history and architecture, Gobindgarh Fort is a must-visit place in Amritsar. This historic fort, construction was originally started by Gujjar Singh Bhangi, and later it was completed by Maharaja Ranjit Singh. It is stated that the fort was built to protect Amritsar from any invasion and hence, it was known as the ‘Guardian of the holy city of Amritsar’.

Following Independence, Gobindgarh Fort was under the control of the Indian Army until 2006. Recognizing its historical significance, the Indian Government transferred the fort to the Punjab Government for restoration. Now designated as a historical monument, Gobindgarh Fort in Amritsar is open to the public. 

Today, it is a vibrant cultural hub that offers various live shows, including the 7-D “Sher-e-Punjab” show on Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the “Kanda Boldiyan Ne” light and sound show, and the “Spirit of Punjab” live performance. The fort’s dynamic atmosphere makes it one of the top Amritsar local sightseeing spots.

Timings: 10 Am to 10 Pm 

Entry fee: 180 rs

7. Hall Bazaar

No visit is complete without doing the shopping in Amritsar and if you’re looking for a shopping spree, Hall Bazaar is the place to visit in Amritsar. This bustling market offers a range of products, from traditional Punjabi clothing and jewelry to electronics and books. The rustic charm of the market, combined with the lively atmosphere, provides an authentic shopping experience. Visiting the Hall Bazaar is one of the fun things to see in Amritsar, especially for those interested in local crafts and souvenirs.

Hall Bazaar is one of the oldest marketplaces in Amritsar, located just 1 km from the railway station and 1.3 km from the Golden Temple. This historical market is renowned for offering world-famous Phulkari embroidery and Amritsari juttis, among various other items. 

Besides its vibrant shopping scene, Hall Bazaar is celebrated for its exquisite old architecture, featuring the Mughal archway entrance known as Gandhi Gate, which boasts a giant clock and the inscription ‘Amritsar – Sifti Da Ghar’ It is the best photographic place in the world. The market also hosts some of the city’s best restaurants and food stalls, serving delicious Punjabi cuisine.

Also Read: Best Photographic Spots in Chandigarh

8. Ram Tirath Temple

As we talk about the Ram Tirath Temple, we go back to the era of Ramayana. Ramayan is the Spiritual soul of Hinduism and India and Lord Sri Ram is an emotion for every Hindu. It is believed that Ram Tirath Temple is the birthplace of Luv and Kush, sons of Lord Rama, and is an important pilgrimage site. 

The temple complex features a sacred tank, ancient hutments, and a towering statue of Lord Hanuman. The spiritual significance and historical relevance make it a key addition to the list of Amritsar beautiful places. It is believed to be the ashram of Sage Valmiki, where Mata Sita stayed and gave birth to Luv and Kush. This is one of the offbeat places in India,  Amritsar making it a must-visit place for spiritual people or for someone who wants a unique experience. It is 11km away from Amritsar.

9. Tarn Taran Sahib

Located a short drive from Amritsar, Tarn Taran Sahib is another significant gurdwara founded by the fifth Sikh Guru, Guru Arjan Dev. The tranquil atmosphere and the large Sarovar (pond) make it a serene place for reflection and devotion. The gurdwara’s historical and spiritual significance ensures its place among Amritsar attractions places.

This Gurdwara, built in the Mughal architectural style, attracts numerous devotees. The size of its Sarovar (pond) measures approximately 1.5 kilometers, making it larger than the Sarovar at the Golden Temple. Admiring the beauty of this Gurdwara and seeking blessings is a must to do when you are visiting the places in Amritsar.

Suggested Read: Adventure activities to do in Chandigarh

10. Mata Lal Devi Temple

Amritsar, often called the holy city of Punjab, is renowned for more than just the Golden Temple. The city’s spiritual aura extends to places like the Mata Lal Devi Temple, also known as Sheesh Mahal. This ancient temple is dedicated to the female saint Lal Devi and was built in her memory.

Born on February 21, 1923, in Lahore, Punjab (now in Pakistan), Lal Devi was the fourth daughter in her family. After her birth, the family visited the Chintpurni Temple in Himachal Pradesh. It is believed that upon entering the temple, Mata Ji was enlightened with the holy spirit of the deity Chintpurni. The temple priest predicted that she possessed divine powers, and her family soon regarded her as a saintly figure after witnessing numerous miracles attributed to her.

Following the partition, Mata Lal Devi chose Amritsar as her new home. Devotees believe that their wishes and prayers are fulfilled if they visit the temple with sincere faith. The temple is particularly known to help women facing difficulties in getting married or bearing children.

This Hindu temple is known for its mirrored hallways and labyrinthine passages, creating a mystical and enchanting atmosphere. It is a popular site among pilgrims and tourists, adding diversity to the list of Amritsar’s best places for tourists.

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Tips for Visiting Amritsar

  • Best Time to Visit: The best time to explore Amritsar is between October to  March when the weather is pleasant.
  • Local Transportation: Auto-rickshaws and cycle-rickshaws are convenient for short distances. For longer trips, consider hiring a taxi.
  • Cultural Etiquette: When visiting religious sites, dress modestly and cover your head. Remove your shoes before entering temples and gurdwaras.

If you are visiting in the summer months make sure to keep yourself hydrated and carry a Sunscreen because it’s too hot in summer.


Well, we come to the end of this blog giving you insights about the places to visit in Amritsar. It is a city that captivates with its rich history, spiritual depth, and cultural vibrancy. From the serene Golden Temple to the bustling Hall Bazaar, every corner of this city tells a story. This guide to the best places to visit in Amritsar ensures you don’t miss out on any of the city’s wonders. Whether you’re exploring Amritsar tourist places, diving into local culture, or seeking spiritual solace, Amritsar promises a fulfilling and enriching experience.

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Q:What are the top must-visit attractions in Amritsar?

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