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The Top 20 Places to Visit in Cappadocia

1. Cappadocia Cave dwellings

2. Pigeon Valley

3. Goreme Valley

4. Love Valley

5. Ozkonak Underground city

6. Goreme Open-Air Museum

7. Hot Air Balloon

8. Ihlara Valley

9. Uchisar Castle

10. Derinkuyu Underground City

11. Kaymakli Underground City

12. Devrent Valley

13. Pasabag

14. Zelve Open-Air Museum

15. Red Rose Valley

16. Cavusin

17. Soganli Valley

18. Avanos

19. Ürgüp

20. Fairy Chimneys

Best Places to Visit in Cappadocia: Cappadocia Travel Guide 2024

Cappadocia, a special place in Turkey, is like something from a fairy tale. Long ago, volcanoes made its land strange and beautiful. It’s famous for its tall, thin rocks that look like where chimney fairies might live. 

One of the best places to visit in Cappadocia is to ride in a hot air balloon as the sun rises. You float in the sky and see all the rocks and old caves below. It feels Magical!

There are also caves underground where people lived years ago. They dug homes out of the soft rock.  You can walk through the tunnels and see where they slept and ate. It’s like stepping back in Time. Cappadocia and its suburbs are undeniably a wanderlust’s paradise. 

One of the another cool Places to visit in Turkey, Cappadocia is the Göreme open-air museum. It’s a big place with old churches carved into the rocks. Inside, there are colourful paintings on the walls that are old. 

If you like adventures, Cappadocia is perfect. You can hike, ride horses, or even drive through the landscapes on four-wheelers.  So pack your bags for an adventure in Cappadocia with Turkey Tour Packages!

The Top 20 Places to Visit in Cappadocia

  • Cappadocia Cave dwellings
  • Pigeon valley
  • Goreme valley
  • Love valley
  • Ozkonak Underground city
  • Goreme open-air museum
  • Hot air balloon
  • Ihlara valley
  • Uchisar castle
  • Derinkuyu underground city
  • Kaymakli underground city
  • Devrent valley
  • Pasabag
  • Zelve open-air museum
  • Red rose valley
  • Cavusin
  • Soganli valley
  • Avanos
  • Ürgüp
  • Fairy Chimneys

1. Cappadocia Cave dwellings

Cappadocia is known for housing several natural rock-cut caves and cave dwellings that have well been preserved for several years. Located in the Anatolian part of Turkey, the Cappadocia region is famous for showcasing ancient civilisations from thousands of years ago that are seen in carved houses and churches within the earth pillars. 

These cave dwellings are constructed on the foot of the mountains by cutting through rocks and stones. It is said that about 30 million years ago there were three volcanic eruptions from the Erciyes, Hasan, and Melendiz Daðlari and the volcanic tufa that was accumulated led people from ancient times to build dwellings into them. Today you can find several of these dwellings with murals from the Hittite Empire and the Neo-Hittite period.

  • Location: Central Anatolia

2. Pigeon Valley

Locally known as the Guvercinlik Valley, the Pigeon Valley is one of the most popular places to visit in Cappadocia between the towns of Goreme and Uchisar. The Pigeon Valley is spread across an area of almost 6 km and derives its name from the several pigeon houses that can be found here carved into the soft stone of the caves.

The famous Pigeon Valley in Cappadocia is best known for its hiking trail, a key highlight of any Turkey trip. The trail can commence in either Uchisar Town or Goreme Town, taking you through thick forests of trees and several caves. The Pigeon Valley used to have a large number of pigeon holes built into the walls for the domestication of pigeons. They were not only used by the dwellers here for their meat and manure, but also for message delivery, and sacrifices. At one end of the valley, you will find some cafes where you can relax and enjoy a refreshing bite before heading on.

  • Location: Nevsehir, Turkey

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3. Goreme Valley

Goreme Valley is one of the most stunning places to visit in Cappadocia. Goreme Valley’s unique beauty and geological formations make it a unique places to visit in Cappadocia for travellers looking for a special experience. From stunning hot air balloon rides to exploring underground cities and hiking through the valleys, Goreme offers a variety of adventures. 
  • Location: Nevsehir province

4. Love Valley

Love Valley is the best tourist places to visit in Cappadocia. It is a natural wonder known for its Phallic-shaped rock formations. It took millions of years to shape this geographical site, as it is all done by volcanic eruptions and erosion. The site is named the Love Valley because of its romantic ambience that evokes the feeling of love in travellers. If you are an adventure seeker, go hiking or trekking at the Love Valley for a quick adrenaline rush.
  • Location: Nevsehir province

5. Ozkonak Underground city

Ozkonak Underground City is a unique places to visit in Cappadocia. Ozkonak Underground City once served as a refuge and sanctuary for early civilisations, showcasing the resilience and resourcefulness of ancient inhabitants. Walk through its narrow tunnels, zig-zag passages, and well-preserved chambers, learning insights into the daily life and survival strategies of the past. It is A must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and travellers looking to indulge themselves in the fascinating underground world of Ozkonak.
  • Location: Nevsehir province

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6. Goreme Open-Air Museum

The Goreme Open-Air Museum is considered to be one of the best places to visit in Cappadocia. These are rock-cut monasteries with beautiful frescoed walls and ceilings built by the Cappadocians in the early 10th century along with each with its church. Also, the Goreme Open Air Museum has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1984 and was one of the first two UNESCO sites in Turkey.
  • Location: Nevsehir province
  • Timings: 8:30 AM to 7 PM

7. Hot Air Balloon

Cappadocia is the most sought-after destination in Turkey to experience hot air balloon rides. Hot air balloon ride is one of the safest forms of flight and this low-risk, thrilling activity in Cappadocia lasts for about an hour taking you on a bird’s journey. There are various tours available that offer spectacular views of the region’s volcanic spires, honeycombed hill formations, valleys, and caves. You can also include a light breakfast before cruising over the Fairy Chimneys or Goreme Valley.

Even if you don’t fancy flying, watching these balloons propelled by fire with the setting sun in the background is something that one should never miss during their Turkey trip.

  • Location: Nevsehir, Turkey
  • Price: 140$ to 250$ per person
  • Timing: 5 AM to 8 PM

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8. Ihlara Valley

This gorge located in the Cappadocia has been formed over several thousand years by the Melendiz River. It is known for its hiking trails and several churches, the 14 km long valley has some of the most stunning viewpoints and is said to be one of the favourite spots among monks for their recreational purposes. It is one of the top places to visit in Cappadocia.

There are more than a hundred ancient cave churches in this canyon which you visit during the nature walk. About 16 of them are still intact with beautiful paintings inside them making Ihlara Valley one of the most interesting places to visit in Cappadocia.

  • Location: Guzelyurt, Aksaray, Turkey

9. Uchisar Castle

Uchisar Castle is a natural rock formation, from which a castle is carved and offers some of the best views from the tip. The castle has a network of tunnels, rooms, and caves that you can explore to learn more about the rich history and unique architectural heritage.

The Uchisar Castle is a UNESCO-listed castle, situated in the stunning Uchisar VIllage in Cappadocia. The castle is around 60 metres high and consists of around 300 stairs to reach the top. The climb itself is fun, and you will come across numerous fancy stores, cafes, and art galleries. 

  • Location: Nevsehir, Turkey
  • Timings: 7 AM to 8 PM

10. Derinkuyu Underground City

Derinkuyu Underground City, the deepest underground place in the Cappadocia region, goes down to almost 85 meters. This brilliantly created city is a gigantic zig-zag of cave-like rooms that also offers an impressive ventilation system, secret entrances, and connecting passageways. A genuine city, this underground wonder also comprises churches, schools, wine cellars, and much more.

This underground city has passages, tunnels, stepped pits, and corridors that link family rooms and communal spaces that are well-planned with wells, chimneys for air circulation, niches for oil lamps, stores, water tanks, and stables where people and their cattle can stay protected for months from enemy attacks. Even more interesting is that there are even places to safely protect the corpses until they can be found in a suitable place to be buried later.

  • Location: Nevsehir Province, Turkey
  • Price: 6$
  • Timings: 8 AM to 7 PM

11. Kaymakli Underground City

Kaymakli Underground City is a unique places to visit in Cappadocia. It is an ancient subterranean complex carved into volcanic rock. If you want to submerge yourself in the natural wonders of Kaymakli City, it is a must-visit travel destination. This ancient city is carved deep into the volcanic rock. When travelling to the Kaymakli Underground City, do visit multi-level living spaces and tunnels, displaying the toughness and creativity of its ancient inhabitants. 
  • Location: Sehri Belediye Caddesi, Turkey
  • Timing: 6 AM to 6 PM

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12. Devrent Valley

Devrent Valley Also known as Imaginary Valley or Pink Valley, the valley is one of the top places to visit in Cappadocia, offering a refreshing break from cave church visits and underground city explorations. you will find a range of naturally formed pillar-like structures and rock formations. Get adventurous by trying out quad biking to explore the area or you can even try horse riding or a jeep safari.
  • Location: Avanos, Nevsehir, Turkey
  • Timing: All day

13. Pasabag

Among the many places to visit in Cappadocia, Pasabag is one which you should not miss. This beautiful valley is located on the road to Zelve while coming from Goreme or Avanos. In the middle of a vineyard, you can see remarkable earth pillars. The name Monks Valley was derived from some cones carved in tuff stones that stand apart even today.
  • Location: Zelve, Turkey

14. Zelve Open-Air Museum

One of the most famous places to visit in Cappadocia, the Zelve Open Air Museum has been created with the combination of three valleys. Dating back to the Byzantine era, this Zelve monastery consists of four churches, several rooms, passages, and fairy chimneys that are connected by a tunnel and carved into the rocks. It was only in 1967, that Zelve Monastery was converted into an open-air museum. 
  • Location: Avanos, Turkey
  • Price: 2$
  • Timing: 8 AM to 6:15 PM

15. Red Rose Valley

The Red Rose Valley in Cappadocia is known for the best sunset views. It is also famous for its moderate-level hiking trails that hikers of different proficiency levels can undertake. The valley is also great for exploring the cotton castles and the Cappadocia fairies. 

Red Rose Valley is one of the top places to visit in Cappadocia. You can drive straight to the Red Valley sunset viewpoint to enjoy stunning views or hike up and down the hills of the Red Rose Valley soaking in the surrounding beauty. 

  • Location: Nevsehir, Turkey
  • Price: 1$
  • Timing: 8 AM to 7 PM

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16. Cavusin

Cavusin is a village in the Cappadocia region that is divided into two parts – the new village and the old village. The old Greek village of Cavusin is one of the unique Places to visit in Cappadocia.

The village is extremely popular for its cave homes which are now deserted after the rock boulders started falling from the rock. The 5th-century church of Saint John the Baptist, situated in Cavusin is the key attraction here that looks larger than many others in the region. The frescoes in the walls of the church depict the scenes from the Bible. 

  • Location: Avanos District, Turkey
  • Price: 1.28$
  • Timing: 8 AM to 6 PM

17. Soganli Valley

Located at a distance of 36 km from Mustafapasa, the only way you can get to this valley is by hiking. This trail is famous for its surroundings as well as the number of churches that cover all sides. Apart from other Roman-era tombs and pigeon houses on cave walls, there was also a tiny Turkish village here that was moved some time ago due to environmental issues.

If you love archaeology and history, this place will surely be a Heaven awaiting your exploration. Please remember to carry sufficient water during your hike at Soganli Valley.

  • Location: Kayseri Province, Turkey
  • Timing: 8 AM to 6 PM

18. Avanos

Avanos is a town near Cappadocia, which offers a refreshing break from barren hills, cave churches, underground cities, and fairy chimneys. The town, a key highlight is it is set on the banks of Kizilirmak, the Red River, and is inhabited by people living in restored stone houses. 

Avanos thrives with pottery as the main livelihood of the people here. From interesting lay ashtrays and mugs to ornate plates and chess sets, the people here sell many potteries which are great picks for souvenir shopping.

  • Location: Nevsehir, Turkey
  • Timing: 8 AM to 7 PM

19. Ürgüp

Urgup is one of the upscale tourist destinations in the Cappadocia region and has many boutique hotels and inns. The city boasts of many sprawling stone houses that were carved out of the Cappadocian stone. Urgup has a historic Hamam, the Turkish bath within its boundary.

The Temenni Hill, a high rock ledge looming above the very centre of town with a saint’s tomb at its edge is the most common place to hang out in Urgup and the views of the city from the hills are beautiful.

  • Location: Central Anatolia Region, Turkey
  • Timing: 8 AM to 7 PM

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20. Fairy Chimneys

Fairy chimneys are tall, cone-shaped rock formations found in areas with soft volcanic rock, like Cappadocia, Turkey. Created by erosion over millions of years, they often have conical tops resembling hats. Historically, people carved homes, churches, and even hotels into them. Today, they’re a major tourist attraction and symbol of the region.
  • Location: Central Anatolia, Turkey

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Q:What are the must see attractions in Cappadocia?

Q:How can I get to Cappadocia and what’s the best way to explore the area?

Q:Are there any activities for adventure seekers in Cappadocia?

Q:What are some local dishes or foods to try in Cappadocia?

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