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Netflix And Travel


TV Tourism: From Reel Life To Real Life Adventures

Have you ever wondered why people travel? 

Is it because they want an escape from their monotonous life?

Or is it because they want to explore the world since life is short and you only live once?

Or is it because they have a lot of money and no idea how to spend it, so they end up spending it on travelling?

Or maybe it’s because they saw a movie shot in a beautiful place full of impeccable views, and now they can’t stop thinking about it, so they just pack their bags and get going. 

Now that is something to think about. How much are we affected by the movies or TV series we watch? 

The term is called TV Tourism, and it has been popular for a long time, even before we knew it existed. 

You would not deny that the things we watch on TV impact our entire personality, let alone our minds. Remember when we were all kids and pretended to be the main character of a show and started acting like them because that was cool? 

It may seem stupid now, but we were the coolest kid back then because we suddenly had an accent or a stylish walk, and no one knew where it came from. 

If you can relate, you know what we are talking about. 

As we grew up, instead of acting like the main character, we suddenly became obsessed with where our favourite movies were shot.

Suggested Read: Space Tourism: Where Sky Isn’t The Limit

Netflix And Travel

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