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Best Places To Visit In Denpasar

Bali Shark Eco Adventure

Best Places To Visit In Denpasar

Best Time to Visit Denpasar City

How to Reach Denpasar City

Commuting within the City

Denpasar City: Vibrant Capital City of Bali

Bali is not just about Kuta, Ubud, Seminyak, and Canggu, it’s much more than that and the Old city charm of Indonesian culture and architecture can be experienced at Denpasar City in Bali. Denpasar is the capital of Bali and this city is vibrant, and energetic and is the most admired city in Indonesia by tourists. The alluring temples sprawling all around the city, centuries-old treasure-holding museums, rustic monuments, bustling markets, authentic Balinese cuisine, you name it, and get all here at Denpasar City Indonesia. 

Denpasar City lies in southern Bali and is the administrative and economic hub of Indonesia. In ancient times this city was a part of the Badung kingdom and was a major market town during the colonial period.  The well-thought-out location of the city near the other major cities of Indonesia made this place the major draw for traders and merchants and since then Denpasar City has been the popular choice when it comes to shopping and markets. 

Bali Tour Packages takes you to the fascinating streets and markets of Denpasar City. We have put together a complete guide to the city so you don’t miss a single spot of this happening town on your vacation to Bali Indonesia. 

Best Places To Visit In Denpasar


Bali Shark Eco Adventure

Have you ever had an opportunity to swim along with sharks? Would you do it if given a chance to do so? You can swim with the sharks in this unique Bali Shark Eco Adventure in Denpasar City Bali and is the most adventurous thing to do in Bali. This place is also known as the  Serangan Shark Project, and it takes you to artificially build a nursery for Sharks to get up close with over a dozen blacktip reef sharks. This adventure center is on a noble mission to spread awareness of shark conservation and foster a better understanding of the often misunderstood species.

This project was founded by a Hawaii- surfer and conservationist who was working to protect the Sharks from becoming extinct. He formed a team with the local fisherman in 2011 and started keeping the Sharks that needed care in the nursery and were accidentally caught by the fisherman. The nursery continues to offer a new lease on life for young sharks that would have either been killed for food or accidentally trapped in fishermen’s fishnets.

The Bali Sharks tour is available for all ages as well as for swimmers and non-swimmers. Non-swimmers can enjoy feeding and getting an up-close encounter with the reef predators.  This place is also a perfect place for young kids to learn about sharks and their varieties. The guided tour takes nearly 3 hours which includes snorkeling and deep diving into the sea with the sharks. 

Batik Shopping

It would be unfair if you did not shop when in Denpasar City! Have you ever heard about the Bakit artwork? This artwork is native to Indonesia and this work is handed down through generations. Batik art is thousands of years old and includes the technique of hand-stamped or hand-drawn wax-resist dyeing of fabric. This artwork is recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation as a cultural heritage of Indonesia. Batik’s artwork plays an important role in the daily life of Indonesian artists.  

You can find several stores proudly flaunting these precious art clothes pieces. Batik dresses, beach dresses, party dresses, sarongs, shirts everything is available for purchase that is based on Batik handwork. Also, be cautious that few shops can charge way more amount than the actual prices. There are also a few government-authorized shops, do your research before a bakit shopping spree. 

Upside down world Bali

Take a break from the beaches, temples, and markets and visit this fun place. Indeed you are going to enjoy a lot in the upside-down world of Bali in Denpasar City. If you have kids with you this place is an educational cum fun trip for them. 

This one-of-a-kind museum and unique experience in Bali has 7 specifically designed rooms with furniture and decor the wrong way up. If you are entering into the world upside-down be ready to be entertained with unique scenes and 180-degree world rotation. 

Pro tip remember to take your cameras because it is where it is needed the most. The upside world is a place where the ceiling is the floor and all the household items are attached to the ceiling. Intriguing right? The place has a living room, master bedroom, Kids room, dining, kitchen, and bathroom garden but everything is upside down. 

Here even photo clicking seems to be an art. Take along a photo expert to guide you to a perfect picture position and location. This unusual space is a whole new experience to encounter and adds a fun and creative element to your vacation.

Badung Market

This is a must-visit place in Denpasar city if you wish to experience how the city runs in a day-to-day routine. Badung Market, or ‘Pasar Badung’ in the local tongue, is the largest traditional market in Denpasar, Bali, and is the most popular place to visit in the City. This market is the main source of all and everything fresh for the residents of Denpasar City. The market opens well before dawn and here you can get fresh supplies of fruits, vegetables, and everything that is grown on the land of Bali. 

This market is a market that runs on complete digitalization. The payments at the market are all done online and no cash payments are accepted. The floors of the market are linked by escalators and elevators. The multi-story building houses many vendors selling both fresh and non-perishable goods. You can even buy Batik fabric and clothes in the market. There’s even a spot for children to play, complete with recreational and educational facilities. Another cool thing about this place is its 18 Wi-Fi spots you can use while you’re shopping! Isi’t amazing! 

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Best Places To Visit In Denpasar

  • Bajra Sandhi Monument

Bajra Sandhi Monument has a great history of agony attached to it. This historical monument is dedicated to the struggles of the Bali people for freedom from the Dutch Colonial rule. This rectangular-shaped monument is a classic example of Indonesian architecture and is based on the principle of ‘Tri Mandala’ meaning three areas rule. Utama Mandala means the main building at the center of the monument, and Madhya Mandala means the inner enclosure surrounded by the Utama Mandala and Nista Mandala the outer arcade. This is the ultimate place to visit in Bali

The monument which was built in 1987 and opened to the public in 2003 is strategically located in front of the Bali Governor’s office. The monument which is spread across 13.8 hectares of sightseeing depicts the pain and agony that Bali people go through to get freedom from the Dutch people for which nearly 1000 people lost their lives. The monument is based on Hindu philosophy and independence symbols. 

At the basement of the monument, there is also a modern Interactive Art Museum that features 3D artwork, optical illusions, and special effect rooms. From beautiful sightseeing of lush greenery to adorning the pictures of the fighting for the country to adorning the intricate work of craftsmanship on the pillars of the monument and to the Interactive Art Museum, this monument in Denpasar city has so many interesting things to do. 

The monument is 30 minutes from the Ngurah Rai International Airport and 8 minutes from Denpasar city. You can reach the place by just strolling around the city or by cab. 

Entrance Fees Adults: IDR 30,000

Entrance Fees Children: IDR 15,000

Timings: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

  • Le Mayeur Museum

This museum showcases the artwork and the history of the painter and artist Adrien-Jean Le Mayeur de Merpres, a Brussels-born artist. He traveled all around the world before settling in Bali and all the experience gained during his voyage can be seen through his painting. Some of Le Mayeur’s paintings imitate his travels in Africa, India, the Mediterranean, and the South Pacific. 

The museum is located just right of the beach Sanur and features nearly eighty artworks by the painter. All the canvas, wall, hardboard, and plyboard paintings mostly have paintings of women from all over the world. Le Meyeur who visited Indonesia in 1932 fell in love with Ni Polok and married her. Several of the paintings in the museum you see today feature Ni Polak. They spent their lives at the Sanaur and after their deaths paintings were conserved later the house was converted into a museum showcasing all this precious artwork.

Next to the museum is a souvenir shop called Ni Polak where you can buy postcards and other decorative items that have Le Mayeur’s paintings on them.

Entrance Fees: IDR 2000

Timings: 8 AM to 2 PM

  • Sakenan Temple

This is a perfect place to take a break from the bustling Denpasar city market and find solace in the serenity of the Sakenan temple, one of the best temples in Bali. Sakenan Temple, also known as Pura Sakenan, is located on Sakenan Island in southern Bali and gives a glimpse of Bali’s deep-rooted Hindu traditions. The temple was built in the 10th century during the Majapahit Empire and has since then gone through several innovations and expansions. The temple was previously built from limestone and corals sourced from the coastal reefs of the surrounding areas. The temple is a popular religious site for the local Hindus. 

Every year great celebrations are held within the temple premises during the anniversary celebration  Piodalan of the temple. The celebrations are held every 210 days and locals gather to offer respect and honour the deities of the temple. The event involves religious rituals, processions, dance performances, and on a larger scale, and creates a surreal atmosphere. 

  • Bali Provincial Public Museum

Bali Museum or Bali Provincial State Museum is a must-visit place to learn about the history of Bali. The museum has several exhibition halls, each showcasing different varieties of historical findings from the Mesolithic Age to the modern era. The museum is located on the east side of Puputan Square Denpasar City and has a vast collection of displays from paintings, artefacts, and statues along with inscriptions.  The collection also includes the weapons used in the bronze age of Bali, religious relics, and musical instruments.

The garden area of the museum is well maintained with beautiful flowers and greenery to take shade and sit in the premises of the garden while on a break from strolling around the various halls of the museum.

This unique museum area also consists of the temple which is divided into three sections: kahyangan, pura, and merajan. Inside those buildings, tourists can see artwork, ethnographic items, ancient texts (inscriptions), ceramics, porcelain statues, household appliances, agricultural tools, weapons, ceremonial tools, paintings, ancient currencies, and so forth. Since early 2000, the Bali government has reconstructed the museum by adding a few more halls, libraries that include the books of the famous authors of the region, reparations rooms (for broken artefacts), and also a theatre.

  • Jagannath Temple

Bali Jagannath temple located at the heart of the Denpasar city of Bali is the biggest Hindu temple and is located on the east side of the Puputan Badung field. The temple was constructed in 1953 and is the only temple that is dedicated to the God of Balinese Hinduism, Sanghyang Widi. A gold statue of the God sits atop a seven-tiered throne made of white coral with a central altar that is dedicated to Shiva and rests on the shell of the turtle Bedawang Nala and two dragons. The walls of the temple are adorned with carvings that depict the various parts of Ramayana and Mahabharata. The temple is surrounded by a giant pond filled with giant Koi fish. 

Two major festivals are held here every month on the temple premises, during the full moon and new moon, and feature wayang kulit (leather shadow puppet) performances. 

Best Time to Visit Denpasar City

Denpasar City is a town that is away from the beaches and island and hence can be visited throughout the year. The best time to visit Bali Denpasar city is during the dry season. April to September is a dry season here and the average temperature throughout the day goes from 20 to 25 degrees Celcius. The humidity is low during these months and some days a bit of rain showers can be expected.  These months are ideal to go around the city and explore the hidden gems of the place. 

October to March is the rainy season in Bali. Fewer tourists prefer to visit Denpasar Bali during these months and that means you can have a place in solitary and with fewer crowds and queues in the market. I am sure a few rain showers during the day will not lower your excitement to discover the city’s culture. During the wet season, the hotels and resorts are also at low prices, so viola! You are on the benefitting side in terms of both the crowd and money. 

How to Reach Denpasar City

By Flight

To reach Denpasar City the nearest airport is Ngurah Rai International Airport which is 13 km from the city. You can catch a flight from all the other airports of Indonesia to the city. All the major international cities of the world are also well-connected with the flight to Denpasar city. On reaching the airport tourists can hire a cab or taxi to reach the city. 

By Road

Ubang is the bus terminal of the city, this is also an open-air-minibus terminal. There are regular buses connecting Denpasar city with Java, Gilimanuk, Surabaya, Ubud, and Yogyakarta. You can also rent a scooter from the nearby cities to Denpasar however, that is not the best idea since you will need to have an international driving license to drive a scooter in Bali, and also seeing the crowd in the city it is best to sit relaxed at the back of the car and enjoy the beauty of the city. 

Suggested Read: How to reach Bali from Delhi

Commuting within the City

The best way to explore the city is by foot. As most of the attractions are nearby, walking through the road alleys allows you to discover the intricate details of the city. There are other options as well. Renting a full-day taxi or a cab. Local bus connect the major destinations of the city. Whatever means you choose according to your comfort and budget, try to cover every nook and corner of the city to have the most of Denpasar city. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Q:Why is Denpasar famous?

Q:Is Denpasar in Bali worth visiting?

Q:Are there any cultural festivals or events held in Denpasar City?

Q:What is the best way to explore Denpasar City for first-time visitors?

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