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All Night Party: Soon Ghaziabad Noida Bars to Remain Open Till 4 am To Boost Nightlife

In a meeting with the excise department, the Noida restaurant owner’s association stood up for Ghaziabad Noida Bars to remain open till 4 am, looking at its current timings which is 1 am. It is a point to be noted that bars in Delhi remain open until 3 a.m., while Gurgaon operates 24/7. 

Looking at the economic similarities with other NCR regions, the excise department advocated increasing the revenue streams for the department. Bars and Restro bars owners highlighted the need to extend the bar’s night opening timings looking at neighboring regions like Delhi and Gurgaon. While comparing the nightlife from the other two areas, the National Restaurant Association of India proposed extending the operating hours from 1 a.m. to 3-4 a.m.

In May 2022, the Delhi Government extended bar timings until 3 am upon the license, while Gurgaon bars operate 24/7 with proper licensing. That is why, a proposal— Ghaziabad Noida Bars to remain open till 4 am has been made, they also added that the extended timings would cater to individuals looking for leisure after their night shifts, so they don’t have to travel to other NCR cities for late-night entertainment.

For further consideration, the committee has been asked to submit a report within 15 days to explore the additional revenue data and to compare the economic activities between Noida and Ghaziabad, and other NCR regions like Delhi and Gurgaon, where nightlife thrives.

Additionally, the restaurant association emphasized the creation of a unified portal to further make the process easy. This will ease the process of necessary clearance from concerned departments including the Noida Authority, fire, police, and food safety departments.

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