Aisa’s longest Double Decker Flyover officially opened by Nitin Gadkari, India’s Minister for Road Transport and Highways. The flyover, located near Gaddigodam Gurudwara on a National Highway, is not just long but also unique in design. It features a four-tier structure, which is reportedly the first of its kind in Asia. This piece of infrastructure is expected to significantly improve traffic flow in the area. The project showcases India’s growing capabilities in road construction and urban development.
Longest Double Decker Flyover In Asia – Key Highlights
Nagpur Double Decker Flyover – Length & Location:
- The longest flyover in Nagpur stretches 5.6 kilometres.
- It runs from LIC Square to Automotive Square on Kamptee Road.
- Previously, the longest flyover record was held by the Wardha Road flyover (also in Nagpur) at 3.14 kilometres.
Unique Design: A 4-Level Structure
- Metro line at the top followed by
- Vehicular flyover and
- Railway track
- Road at the bottom
Improved Travel:
- The 20-kilometre trip from Kamptee to Nagpur airport now takes just 20 minutes.
- This project was a joint effort between Maha Metro and the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI).
Future Plans:
- Discussions are underway to redevelop the Gaddigodam Market area.
- This project aims to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion in nearby areas.
The newly opened Nagpur double decker flyover is more than just a road. It plays a key role in shaping the city’s future and setting an example for other cities to follow.
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