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Best Places To Visit In Labuan Bajo

How to reach Labuan Bajo

Places To Visit In Labuan Bajo: 15 Places to Go!

Earlier a quaint and deserted fishing Village and now a hub of major tourist attractions, Labuan Bajo is a yet-to-be-explored travel destination. This hidden treasure trove in Flores Island is situated in the East Nusa Tenggara province of Indonesia.

Planning for a vacation to this captivating destination and yet not discovered the enchanting places to visit in Labuan Bajo?

Whether you are an adventure seeker, or love to get intrigued by some of the naturally occurring phenomena, like to explore the wildlife or just dream of a relaxing laid-back vacation, well! there is something to offer for every kind of traveler in Labuan Bajo.

In this travel guide, we have shortlisted 15 exotic and must-visit places to visit in Labuan Bajo. We assure you that these destinations are worth paying a visit and bring an element of joy and happiness to your vacations. 

Check out Bali Tour Packages for a short trip to other fascinating destinations in Indonesia for a memorable vacation. 

Best Places To Visit In Labuan Bajo

Here are some places in Labuan Bajo that you must consider visiting for an eventful vacation.

  • Komoda Dragon National Park

Labuan Bajo is a land of Komodo dragons and a visit to this place is considered incomplete if you have not witnessed the enigmatic creature in the Komodo National Park.  

Komodo National Park is a daring place to visit in Labuan Bajo Bali as this national park is only known for a huge population of giant lizards. The Sheer size of the world’s largest lizards will leave you in awe at the first encounter with this fierce species. 

It is completely recommended that this place to visit in Labuan Bajo be best explored with professional guides as they have a fair idea about the spots within the national park where Komodo Dragons can be spotted. 

The guides also have some fascinating stories and facts to tell about the endangered species and they have the capabilities to tell different ways to capture the giant creature behind the lenses. 

  • Batu Cermin (Mirror Cave)

Can you believe that a very simple rocky cave amid the jungle of mangroves can be a fascinating and astonishing place to visit in Labuan Bajo? 

Batu Cermin cave is located 4 kilometers from Labuan Bajo and is grace with rare natural phenomena. 

The rare phenomena in the cave happen at a particular time of the day when sun rays make their way to the cave through a bleak hole, the rays are reflected on the rocks enclosing the cave, and in turn, the rays are reflected on other surfaces and hence the cave is completely illuminated and forms a mirror-like effect.

The cave is also known as the mirror cave due to the ultimate effects that the rays turn into. 

To know about the distinct process that occurs in the cave when the sunlight falls on it, hire a guide along and explore Batu Cermin.

  • Padar Island

Padar Island is the highlight of the Labuan Bajo Trip. This Island is a part of the cluster of islands that form the Koodo Nationala Park. 

This best place to visit in Labuan Bajo Bali is the least inhabited and is adorned with a dreamlike landscape, charming beach, sparkling crystal water, and panoramic vistas of the surrounding mangrove forest. 

Padar Island is 3 hour’s boat ride away from the main city of Labuan Bajo. 

After reaching the Island, the ideal thing to do in Bali Labuan Bajo would be to hike up to the top of the hill to have a bird’s eye view of the mesmerizing neverending ocean. The hike is not difficult to do, but once you have reached the top it is surely rewarding. 

This tranquil island is perfect for a scuba diving adventure to explore the untouched beauty of coral reefs and marine life. 

The stunning sunset which converts the island into a beautiful array of colors is the bonus memorable experience at the Padar Island. 

  • Sunset Hill 

Sunset Hill is the best place to visit in Labuan Bajo to see the golden sun drowning in the Ocean. It feels as if the giant ocean has opened its mouth and the Sun is slowly sinking in it. 

To witness the surreal view of the sunset, hike up to the top of the hill and immerse yourself for a few hours into the calm and peace and just listen to the songs of the gushing winds. 

  • Cunca Wulang Waterfall

Let’s dive into the world of the Grand Canyon of Arizona, America. 

America in Indonesia, is confused right? This is what exactly this place to visit in Labuan Bajo feels like when you are in the Grand Canyon of Arizona.

The stunning blue-turquoise waterfall in Bali along the aesthetic rock formations is a surreal beauty to watch at the Canca Wulang waterfall. 

Canca Wulang waterfall is located 30 km from a fishing village in Bali Labuan Bajo. It will take nearly an hour ride to reach and locate the waterfall and then a hike of 20 minutes to witness the majestic water that falls through the gaps of the rock.

Tourists can just sit by the rocks with their toes immersed in the icy cold water for a refreshing feel or get to the four-meter-high cliff and jump into the waterfall for an amazing adventurous experience. 

  • Rangko Cave

Labuan Bajo makes a way for the tourists up to a magical cave. This place to visit in Labuan Bajo Bali has captured within it the magical powers of Mother Earth. 

The cave which is made of limestone and colorful minerals creates a fluorescent illuminating effect once a day when the cave is hit by sunlight creating a colourful aura. The ideal time to visit the cave is around 2 PM when you can witness the magic and it lasts for only 1 or 2 hours. 

To reach the Rangko Cave have a ride to Rangko Village which is nearly 1 hour from Labuan Bajo and then from the village, a 10-minute boat ride to the isolated island, and finally a five-minute hike up the hill to the cave. 

  • Wae Rebo Village 

Do you know there is a place to visit in Labuan Bajo that is designated by UNESCO? 

Wae Rebo a traditional Village of Bali Indonesia is designated a World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO. 

This village attracts tourists from all over the world with its surreal beauty of conical houses and spectacular views of mountains and gives a glimpse into the customs and traditions of the local community of Labuan Bajo. 

This place to visit in Labuan Bajo is situated 1100 meters above sea level and is surrounded by the Todo forest which is densely populated with ferns, orchids, and rich vegetation. 

The local community proudly displays the ancient customs, traditions, beliefs, and legacy that they have still kept alive. The major attraction of the village is the conical-shaped houses called the Mbaru Niang 

  • Kalong (Flying Foxes) Island

Kalong Island is also known as Bat Island because except for the few humans all that you can see on this island are the bats a variant of flying Foxes. 

Situated 8 kilometers from the fishing village this place to visit in Labuan Bajo is sparsely populated with humans but densely populated with flying foxes. 

The majestic show that these flying foxes present to humans starts at dusk when the Bats come out in action. Leaving their home, the thick Mangrove forest, the bats starts their day at dusk and come out in numbers searching for food. These frantically flying foxes all around the island display the stunning natural scenery.

Flying Foxes are the only reason why this island has garnered the interest of tourists over the past few years. And believe me when I say that you will find wildlife photographers sitting with their lenses in action to catch the idyllic scenery of bats flying all over. 

  • Manta Point

Have you ever seen Manta Rays? Do you have any idea about their distinguished feature? How about we tell you that you can swim along with these amazing sea creatures at this place to visit in Labuan Bajo? 

The Manta Point in the Labuan Bajo is a widely known place for scuba diving in Bali along with the Manta Rays. At this point in Labuan Bajo, there is an abundant population of Manta Rays and tourists can experience this creature in their natural habitat. 

This dreamy place to visit in Labuan Bajo is a favorite travel destination for tourists who love to dive into the deep waters and experience marine life.

At this place, there are several professional tours available for snorkeling and surfing in Bali that take you deep into the waters where you can see Manta Rays and other colorful fishes swimming along with you. 

  • Kanawa Island

Kanawa Island is 15 kilometers from Labuan Bajo has everything from mesmerizing sunsets and sunrises to white sand beaches in Bali , a wide ocean, and a natural ecosystem.

The turquoise-blue water of Kanawa Island has attracted tourists for snorkeling and diving activities in the cool water. Situated far away from the hustle and bustle of the city this place to visit in Labuan Bajo is an ideal Honeymoon destination in Bali.  

Hike to th hilltop of the Island for a panoramic and scintillating view of the surrounding area and witness the ambrosial sunrise and sunset.

  • Bukit Amelia Sea

This is an astounding and best place to visit in Labaun Bajo for amazing views of sunset and sunrise along with the majestic sea. This place is a formation of a set of hills and the best view can be accessed only from the highest peak. 

Bukit Amelia is surrounded by green hills and it’s a sheer delight to be at this place to break the monotony of roaming around and just sit and relax amidst greenery and panoramic views. 

The trekking trail up to the hilltop is ideal for beginners and professionals. At the end of the trekking, you are rewarded with the best views and scenery. DO carry ample food and water to complement the trip without any hassle. 

  • Melo Village

For a Manggaraian cultural experience head 17 km from Labuan Bajo and visit Melo Village. 

Indulge yourself in the true colors and beauty of Indonesian culture and experience the cultural and traditional art performances such as the traditional bamboo pole jumping game ‘Tetek Alu’, the ‘Ndundu Dake’ dance, and the traditional Caci dance performance at this wondrous place to visit in Labuan Bajo

A visit to this laid-back village has a magnificent Paranoma Hut. The bamboo-made hut is an ideal place to sip the flavors of Flores coffee or a sip of sopi, the traditional Florinese palm liquor. Tourists can explore the process of making Sopi from the sap of a Palm.

The climax of the visit to the village is the Caci Dance performance, a traditional dance form that is the heart and soul of Indonesian culture. 

  • Gili Lawa Darat

So far we have mentioned some of the idyllic destinations for sunsets and sunrise in Labuan Bajo. But, the sunrise and sunset that can be witnessed from Gilli Lawa Darat is incomparable with any other. 

Located north of Komoda Island, this sparsely inhabited island is the ultimate place to visit in Labuan Bajo which offers and spectacular view of the white sand beach throughout the year.

This color-changing island, which is a brown meadow in the dry season and gets green foliage during the monsoon, is the finest choice for trekking. The trekking trail up to the top of the hill might be a bit tricky for beginners but is perfectly doable and worth taking up the challenge. 

  • Bena Village

Bena Village, a traditional village is 8 hours drive away from the fishing village Labuan Bajo Bali. This village is a place for those who wish to experience and explore the life of the traditional people of Indonesia. 

This Megalithic Village has a rich cultural history and welcomes tourists to its land in a traditional way. This best place to visit in Labuan Bajo lets the tourists experience the culture of the region.

The Village is situated at the base of the volcano Inerie. Spending a day or even a few hours around the village will transport you back to the ancient era when you experience that the people are still dependent on the traditional ways of living and are far away from the modern world.

The most attractive features of the village are the uniquely built houses with ancient traditional Indonesian architecture and how the people are connected with their roots of ancient customs, beliefs, and rituals.

  • Labuan Bajo Fish Market

This is the ultimate place to go shopping in Labuan Bajo. And what to shop here are the exotic and rare sea creatures. 

The fish market in Labuan Bajo is a paradise for seafood lovers. Once you visit the market you will be jumping with joy just at the sight of the market that has plenty of sea creatures to offer from their day’s catch. The Bali restaurant at this fish market prepares the dishes instantly. Just pick the fish you would like to taste and the chef will prepare the fish with locally sourced ingredients and voila! You have the best fish ever on your plate. 

The must-try dish at the fish market is the  ‘martabak.‘ It is like a pancake, influenced by Arabian, Indian, and Egyptian foods of the same style.

Best time to visit Labuan Bajo

The best time to visit Labuan Bajo is from March to August. During these months the weather of the island and surrounding areas is sunny and is ideal for hiking up to the mountains, spending a laid-back day at the beach, and exploring the mangrove forests. The skies at this time of year are clear with sparkling water which set an ideal backdrop for some stunning pictures for your next Instagram post.

For wildlife enthusiasts, the ideal time to visit would be from May to August, as this is the mating season of Komodo Dragons and you can happen to witness the vast populations of Komodo dragons in the Sanctuary. 

Tourists who love to feel the adrenaline rush of diving deep into the ocean swim along the colorful fishes and witness the corals, October to December is the best time of the year for them to visit Labuan Bajo. the sea is calm with low tides during this month and hence sets the ideal conditions for underwater adventure activities in Bali.

Although the Holiday season is the best time of the year to enjoy a break from the hustle and bustle of busy lives and spend some time in a calm and peaceful environment on the verge of major tourist attractions all the places to visit in Bali Labuan Bajo are completely packed at this time. The accommodations are its peak prices and you may not enjoy the so-called pristine beaches in their pristine states. 

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How to reach Labuan Bajo

To Reach Labuan Bajo there are three options available to tourists air, land, and waterways. 

Air: The airport nearest to Labuan Bajo is the Komodo Aiport. All the flights from the airports of Indonesia and other parts of the world land at these airports. Labuan Bajo city centre is just 2 kilometers away from the airport and several transports are available. 

Land: Labuan Bajo is well connected to Bali and all the nearby areas, however reaching here by land seems to be a time-consuming as well a costly affair. Until and Unless you have unlimited time to explore the journey this would be the best option.

sea: Tourists have the option to undertake a fun and adventurous journey to reach Labuan Bajo. Several ferry and cruise schedules are available for a trip to Labuan Bajo. The ferry ride takes 2 nights and three days to reach Labuan Bajo with two stops.

Suggested Read: How to reach Bali from New Delhi

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Q:What are the main attractions in Labuan Bajo?

Q:Is Labuan Bajo safe to travel?

Q:What are the best shopping places in Labuan Bajo?

Q:Are there any historical sites or monuments to explore in Labuan Bajo?

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