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1. Toe Wrestling

2. Ostrich Racing

3. World Gurning Contest

4. Extreme Ironing

5. Oil Wrestling

6. Fireball Soccer

7. Goanna Pulling

8. Beer Mile

9. Under Water Hockey

10. Chess Boxing

11. Shovel Racing

12. Sporthocking

13. Wife Carrying

14. Dog Surfing


Frequently Asked Questions About Weird Sports Around The World

14 Weird Sports Around The World: Unconventional Athletics

Sports is one thing that brings people together under one roof. We all know about Cricket, Football, and Basketball, but did you know that some weird sports around the world are played with great enthusiasm? 

Some people like to explore weird places such as the Island of the Dead Dolls, or some of the most haunted places in India for fun, some enjoy weird kinds of sports that are thrilling as well as scary. 

People in different countries have different sports, and they are curated in a way that they are equal amount of fun and competition, both for the public and the player. The sports in different regions also give a glimpse of their culture. 

So here is a list of some of the most unusual sports in the world

1. Toe Wrestling

You must have already been into thumb and arms wrestling, but isn’t that a little mainstream? 

So, to take the love for wrestling up a notch, people in the UK came up with the concept of toe wrestling, which has been quite a popular sport. Toe Wrestling is among the unique festival around the world that takes place in the month of August. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Q:1. Why are these sports considered weird?

Q:2. Are these sports popular in their home countries?

Q:3. Are these weird sports safe to play?

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