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1. 12 Grapes Till Midnight, Spain

2. Tossing Stuff Out Of The Window, Italy

3. Smashing Plates For Luck, Denmark

4. Scarecrow Burning, Ecuador

5. Colourful Underwear, Latin America

6. Mistletoe And Smashing Bread, Ireland

7. 108 Bells, Japan

8. Surround Yourself With Round Things, Philippines

9. Takanakuy, Peru

Frequently Asked Questions About New Year Traditions Around The World

9 Weird New Year Traditions Around The World That Sounds Unreal

When you can hear the bells tinkling and notice that the city is all decked up like a bride, that is when you know that it is time to take the most suitable Christmas and New Year trip and travel to someplace nice where you can enjoy the most festive time of the year with your loved ones.

But did you know that there are various unusual New Year traditions around the world that some countries and regions follow, and what may come as a shock to you is normal for them?  

For some people, it is hard to believe that such unusual, weird traditions exist, but believe it or not, they do, and people celebrate it with great enthusiasm that is their way of welcoming the New Year.

These New Year Traditions might blow your mind because what you are about to read, is some really bizarre information, so let’s see what these are and why they are known as the most Unusual New Year Traditions Around The World. 

1. 12 Grapes Till Midnight, Spain

Eating Grapes is not so surprising, right? If someone is eating grapes, it’s no big deal, but in Spain, during the time of New Year, people buy special kinds of grapes to eat as a part of New Year’s Traditions in Spain.

You can buy these grapes in a pack of 12, where you are supposed to eat all the grapes on every strike of the clock until the clock hits 12, and if you are able to eat all of them in time, then you will have good luck for the coming year, if not then it will bring bad luck.

This tradition started in the year 1909 by Alicante and very cleverly turned into superstition in order to sell their surplus grapes of a particular variety, and ever since, the tradition has been followed in Spain.

However, there is a possibility that the tradition has been as old as 1808 and has been morphed from the French tradition that involved eating grapes and consuming Champagne on New Year’s Eve.

This is one of the weirdest New Year traditions around the world, and although it is the tradition of Spain, the tradition has gotten global attention and countries such as South America and Latin America are following the trend.

Suggested Read: New Year Party In Bangalore: The Grand Countdown

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Q:What are some unique New Year traditions celebrated in different countries?

Q:What are some common themes among New Year traditions worldwide?

Q:How can I incorporate international New Year traditions into my own celebrations?

Q:Are there any New Year traditions that involve travel or specific destinations to visit?

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