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About Meghalaya

Welcome to Eco Park in Meghalaya

History of Tourism at Eco Park in Meghalaya

Attractions in Eco Park in Meghalaya

Latest Tourism Trends in Eco Park in Meghalaya

Best Time to Visit Eco Park in Meghalaya

Travel Tips For Eco Park in Meghalaya

How to reach Eco Park in Meghalaya

Restaurants near to Eco Park in Meghalaya

Nearby Accommodations of Eco Park in Meghalaya

Nearby Attractions of Eco Park in Meghalaya

Safety Tips for Eco Park in Meghalaya

Eco Park In Cherrapunji: Explore This Offbeat Gem in Meghalaya

Nestled in the northeastern part of India, Meghalaya is a land of breathtaking beauty waiting to be explored. With its green hills, cascading waterfalls, and misty valleys, there are many Places To Visit In Meghalaya like the famous Eco park from where you can literally see the plains of Bangladesh!

 It is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. Well, experience this beauty of Meghalaya with our Meghalaya holiday package and immerse yourself in the ethereal charm of this “abode of clouds.”

The charm of Meghalaya lies in its untouched wilderness, where thick forests shelter hidden wonders like living root bridges and mystical caves carved by ancient rivers. Eco Park in Meghalaya is one of the remarkable attractions of this beautiful city, which blends conservation efforts with sustainable tourism. 

Before knowing the details of the Eco Park, lets know a little bit about Meghalaya – an enchanting state in Northeastern India.

About Meghalaya

Each corner of Meghalaya tells a story of nature’s magnificence. Here, the rhythm of life is set by the monsoon rains, nurturing the land and painting the landscape in shades of emerald and blue. But beyond its natural splendor, Meghalaya’s beauty is also found in the warmth of its people, whose rich culture and hospitality welcome visitors with open arms. 

In Meghalaya, beauty isn’t just a sight to behold; it’s a feeling that remains in the heart long after the journey ends, inviting travelers to return again and again to its timeless charm. And, one of the most beautiful attractions of this city is  Eco Park in Meghalaya.

Let’s delve into the beauty of Eco Park in Meghalaya and witness its harmonious blend of conservation efforts and natural wonders…. !!!

Welcome to Eco Park in Meghalaya

Eco Park has become a prominent tourist destination in Meghalaya, India, located in one of the wettest places on Earth, Cherrapunji (Sohra). The beauty of Cherrapunji is captivating and diverse. From its iconic Nohkalikai Falls plunging dramatically into emerald pools below to its beautiful Eco Park, there are many Places to visit in Cherrapunji. There are also numerous exciting Things to do in Cherrapunji like exploring Mawsmai Cave, trekking to Double Decker Living Root Bridge, discovering Eco Park, and many more.

Established by the Meghalaya government, Eco Park was inaugurated in the early 2000s, as a part of the Indian government’s initiative to promote eco-friendly tourism. Nestled amidst rolling green hills and untouched natural landscapes, this park was developed to showcase the indigenous flora and fauna while providing enjoyable spaces for visitors. There is a favorite picnic spot in Eco Park for visitors to enjoy.

History of Tourism at Eco Park in Meghalaya

Tourism in Cherrapunji has a rich history, with visitors primarily coming to experience its remarkable rainfall and the lush green landscapes that result from this monsoon climate. Over the years, as environmental awareness increased and travelers started seeking destinations that offered natural beauty along with sustainability, places like Eco Park began to gain popularity.

The development of Eco Park was a milestone in the region’s tourism journey. It provided visitors with a structured environment to enjoy the natural beauty of Cherrapunji while helping to conserve the area’s delicate ecosystem. The park’s creation also contributed to local employment and sustainable development, which are important factors in the region’s tourism economy.

Also Read: Meghalaya Travel Tips: A Complete Guide To Explore Meghalaya

Attractions in Eco Park in Meghalaya

  • Indigenous Orchids: The main attractions of Eco Park include its well-preserved landscapes, floral greenhouses, waterfalls, and breathtaking views of the “Green Canyons” of Cherrapunji as well as of the plains of Bangladesh. Also, it houses a variety of earliest orchids, carefully maintained in the park’s orchid house.
  • Viewpoints and Waterfalls: Eco Park provides visitors with several viewing points from which they can observe the natural beauty of the surrounding area. The park is also home to a scenic waterfall in Meghalaya which increases its charm during the monsoon season.
  • Alignment with global tourism: In recent times, Eco Park and Cherrapunji have aligned with global tourism trends by focusing on sustainable and responsible travel experiences. Travelers today are more inclined towards destinations that offer ecological sensitivity and opportunities for authentic cultural interactions.
  • Adventure Tourism: Another trend that has been picking up in the Cherrapunji region, including Eco Park, is adventure tourism in Meghalaya. Visitors come to enjoy activities such as trekking, rock climbing, and exploring the numerous living root bridges in the region.
  • Community-Based Tourism: Community engagement initiatives have also come to the forefront, with several homestays and community-based experiences becoming integral to the visitors’ itineraries, permitting a deeper understanding of the local Khasi culture.

Also Read: 8 Best Places To Visit In Meghalaya In June

Best Time to Visit Eco Park in Meghalaya

The most popular time to visit  Eco Park in Meghalaya is during the drier months, typically from October to May. This period offers pleasant weather with clearer skies, making it ideal for exploring the park’s lush greenery, scenic trails, and captivating viewpoints. Also, visiting during this time allows for better visibility of the surrounding landscapes and waterfalls, enhancing your overall experience. 

Travel Tips For Eco Park in Meghalaya

  • Distance (from Cherrapunji Bus Stand) – 3 km
  • Eco park in Meghalaya ticket price10 for adult &  ₹ 5 for child
  • Timings of Eco Park Meghalaya 8 AM – 5 PM
  • Trip Duration (Including Travel)1-2 hours
  • Place Location Near Seven Sister Waterfalls
  • Transportation OptionCab

How to reach Eco Park in Meghalaya

  • By Air: The nearest airport to Cherrapunji is in Shillong, approximately 60 kilometers away. From Shillong, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Cherrapunji. 
  • By Road: Cherrapunji is well-connected by road to major cities and towns in Meghalaya as well as neighboring states. You can hire a taxi or drive your vehicle from Shillong, Guwahati, or other nearby towns. The road journey to Cherrapunji offers scenic views of the countryside, making it a delightful experience.
  • By Rail: The nearest major railhead is Guwahati which is aprrox 150 kms from the Eco Park. Once your reach the Guwahati railway station, you can easily reach Cherrapunji’s Eco Park by a private cab, taxi which will take approx 4 hours to complete the journey.

Once you reach Cherrapunji town, the Eco Park is easily accessible by road. It’s located about 2 kilometers from the town center, and you can hire a taxi or take a short walk to reach the park entrance.

Also Read: Best Guide For Honeymoon In Meghalaya: Where Nature Meets Romance

Restaurants near to Eco Park in Meghalaya

Here are some famous restaurants in Meghalaya near to Eco Park, offering a delectable fusion of Famous Food Of Meghalaya amidst the serenity of nature.
  • Jiva Grill Sohra5.4 km from Eco Park
  • Orange Roots8.1 km from Eco Park
  • Nalgare Restaurant –7.2 km from Eco Park
  • Tin Bhai Restaurant – 12.1 km from Eco Park

Nearby Accommodations of Eco Park in Meghalaya

Here are some luxury Resorts In Meghalaya near Eco Park for your comfortable stay.
  • Polo Orchid Resort- 2.2 km from Eco Park
  • Jiva Resort – 5.4 km from Eco Park
  • San Nael la Resort – 5.2 km from Eco Park
  • Abode of Clouds Resort – 3.3 km from Eco Park
  • Sulawado Resort – 3.1 km from Eco Park

Nearby Attractions of Eco Park in Meghalaya

  • Double Decker Living Root Bridge: One of the most iconic attractions near Eco Park Cherrapunji, the Double Decker Living Root Bridge in Nongriat village is a marvel of bioengineering. It’s about a 3-4 hour trek from Cherrapunji, passing through lush forests, quaint villages, and scenic landscapes.
  • Nohkalikai Falls: Located just a short drive from the Eco Park, Nohkalikai Falls is one of the tallest plunge waterfalls in India, plunging dramatically into a blue-green pool below. The viewpoint offers stunning vistas of the surrounding valleys and forests.
  • Mawsmai Cave: A fascinating limestone cave system located near Cherrapunji, Mawsmai Cave offers an adventurous spelunking experience. Explore its narrow passages, stalactites, and stalagmites illuminated by artificial lighting.
  • Thangkharang Park: Situated on the outskirts of Cherrapunji, Thangkharang Park offers panoramic views of the Bangladesh plains and the Kynrem Falls. It’s an ideal spot for picnics, leisurely walks, and birdwatching amidst lush greenery.
  • Kynrem Falls: Cascading from over 1,000 feet, Kynrem Falls is one of the highest waterfalls in Meghalaya. It’s located near Thangkharang Park and offers a breathtaking sight during the monsoon season.

Also Read: Travel Guide: Seven Sisters Falls In Meghalaya | Nohsngithiang Falls

Safety Tips for Eco Park in Meghalaya

  1. Stick to marked trails and designated pathways within Eco Park to avoid getting lost or wandering into unsafe areas.
  2. Wear strong and comfortable footwear with good traction, especially if you plan to hike or walk on uneven terrain.
  3. Carry an adequate supply of water to stay hydrated, especially during hot and humid weather conditions.
  4. Respect the wildlife in the area and maintain a safe distance from any animals you encounter. Do not feed or approach wild animals.
  5. Meghalaya’s weather can be unpredictable, so be prepared for sudden weather changes. Carry rain gear and dress in layers to stay comfortable in varying temperatures.


Hence, Eco Park in Meghalaya stands as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of conservation efforts and natural beauty. This park offers visitors a sanctuary to reconnect with nature while promoting sustainable tourism practices. From lush greenery to cascading waterfalls, serene walking trails, and picnic spot in Eco Park this place encapsulates the essence of Meghalaya’s pristine wilderness. As you cross its pathways, you not only witness the breathtaking beauty of the surroundings but also gain a deeper appreciation for the importance of preserving our natural heritage.

So, if you are seeking a renewed sense of awe and admiration for the wonders of the natural world a trip to Eco Park in Meghalaya is a must…!!!

Also Read: 15 Adventure Sports In Meghalaya For Outdoor Enthusiasts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Q:What is the ticket price of Eco Park Meghalaya?

Q:What is the per-person ticket price of Eco Park?

Q:Is food allowed in Eco Park?

Q:What is the cost of a toy train in Eco Park?

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